Page 208 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 208

NURSING SCIENCE          205

            216                                 219                                 223
            EXPERIENCE                          2.0 Units                           6.0 Units
            2.0 Units                           NS 219 provides the currently enrolled or   NS 223 focuses on the needs of the growing
            NS 216 provides the more advanced nursing   returning nursing student with additional   family and incorporates both maternity
            student with additional supervised clinical   supervised clinical experience in the acute   and pediatric nursing content. The nursing
            experience in the acute care hospital setting.   care hospital setting. Clinical assignments   process is stressed in providing patient-
            Clinical assignments are intended to provide   are intended to provide the opportunity for   centered care as the student learns to adapt
            the opportunity for the student to augment   the student to strengthen previously learned   previously learned skills and knowledge
            previously learned basic nursing skills   basic nursing skills through repetition. This   to the unmet needs of maternity and pedi-
            through repetition. The rotation is further   course fosters the knowledge and skills of   atric patients. Observation and direct care
            designed to encourage the development of   the student to eff ectively perform patient-  of normal and high-risk populations are
            new nursing competencies and sets of skills   centered care. The rotation is designed to   included. Theory and clinical experiences are
            by exposure to new assignments and expe-  improve general patient care skills by off er-  structured to provide the second year nurs-
            riences. Note: This course is Pass/No Pass   ing experiences which foster confi dence,   ing student with the opportunity to develop
            only. Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: NS   critical thinking, time management and   essential linkages for decision making
            212 (Generic Nursing Program) or NS 213 and   prioritizing skills, communication in the   and prioritization unique to this specialty.
            NS 217 (Career Ladder LVN-RN Program)   clinical setting, and collaboration/teamwork   Lecture 3.5 hours/Laboratory 7.5 hours.
            or equivalent.  Course Typically Off ered:   with all members of the healthcare team.   Prerequisite: NS 222 or previous completion
            Winter/Summer. Transfer Credit: CSU.  Note: This course is Pass/No Pass only.   of equivalent coursework.  Recommended
                                                Laboratory 6 hours. Prerequisite: NS 210 or   Corequisite: Enrollment in NS 203 Course
            217                                 equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU.   Typically Off ered: Fall/Spring.  Transfer
            ADVANCED PLACEMENT NURSING                                              Credit: CSU.
            BRIDGE COURSE                       222
            1.0 Unit                            PSYCHIATRIC NURSING                 255
            NS 217 is an introduction for the advanced   3.5 Units                  BASIC ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY
            placement student (Licensed Vocational   NS 222 focuses on the dynamics of patients/  2.0 Units
            Nurse-Registered Nurse, Foreign Nurse   clients undergoing acute and chronic   NS 255 is designed to provide an overview
            Graduate, or Generic Transfer) to the concepts   psychosocial stress. The nursing process,   and introduce the novice healthcare provider
            central to registered nursing practice. It   including interviewing skills, is presented   to the basics of electrocardiography (EKG).
            provides clarifi cation of the philosophy,   within a framework of total mental health   Course content reviews principles of cardiac
            unifying theme, and the nursing process   team management. Therapeutic relationship   anatomy, physiology, and electrophysiology
            that serve as the foundation for the registered   is presented as a means of expressing an   which are foundational to course content.
            nurse curriculum at Glendale Community   attitude of caring. The causes of stress are   Content includes cardiac hemodynam-
            College. Topics also provide an overview   identifi ed from various theoretical perspec-  ics, proper lead placement to obtain EKG
            of regulatory scopes of practice, healthcare   tives. The student is encouraged to undertake   waveforms, waveform identifi cation,  rate
            delivery trends, and the infl uence of commis-  self-exploration and develop a concept of   calculation, normal rhythm, and arrhyth-
            sions and agencies on nursing practice, such   the individual that includes the ability to   mia recognition and treatment. Note: This
            as the Quality and Safety Education for   adapt as a result of successful human need   course is intended for nursing students,
            Nurses framework (QSEN). Methods and   fulfi llment. The course provides the student   nurses, EMT students, EMTs, or individuals
            review of contemporary library and database   with knowledge and understanding of the   working in health care settings who have
            research and their application to nursing   interrelatedness of developmental, environ-  suffi  cient background knowledge to master
            scholarship and practice are presented.   mental, cultural, socioeconomic and ethnic   the content and the concepts.  Note: This
            Lecture 1 hour/Laboratory 1.5 hours.   factors aff ecting psychosocial adaptation   course is Pass/No Pass only. Lecture 2 hours.
            Prerequisite: Selection for enrollment in the   along the health-illness continuum. Labora-  Prerequisite: None.
            Registered Nursing Program. Recommended   tory experiences in mental health settings
            Preparation: LIB 191. Transfer Credit: CSU.  are included. Lecture 2 hours/Laboratory
                                                4.5 hours. Prerequisite: NS 211 or NS 217,
            218                                 NS 218, and Career Ladder LVN-RN Nurs-
            NURSING PHARMACOLOGY REVIEW         ing Program, or previous completion of
            AND UPDATE                          equivalent coursework.  Recommended
            1.5 Units
                                                Corequisite: Enrollment in NS 202 is highly
            NS 218 encompasses a review of basic phar-  recommended.  Course Typically Off ered:
            macology content and dosage calculation,   Fall/Spring. Transfer Credit: CSU.
            emphasizing pharmaceutical principles.
            Current changes in medication administra-
            tion safety measures are stressed, including
            intravenous medication administration.
            The course establishes a current foundation
            for pharmacological therapy in nursing by
            providing a review of drug classifi cations
            while giving prominence to current changes
            in these classifi cations and representative
            agents. Lecture 1.5 hours.  Prerequisite:
            Selection for enrollment in the Registered
            Nursing Program.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   203   204   205   206   207   208   209   210   211   212   213