Page 247 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 247

244     OFFICE BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY                                    Noncredit Continuing Education

        40                                  62                                  90
        STRATEGIES                          0 Units                             0 Units
        0 Units                             OBT 62 provides the participant with a   OBT 90 provides students with a basic intro-
        OBT 40 prepares students for success in gain-  comprehensive understanding of dental   duction to spreadsheet software using Micro-
        ing employment. Topics to be covered include   front offi  ce duties. Emphasis will be on   soft Offi  ce Excel. This is a beginning level
        resume development, cover letters, inter-  mastering dental terminology, handling   course that teaches the student how to create
        viewing techniques, job search strategies,   problem situations involving patients either   a worksheet, use formulas and functions,
        employment applications, and job retention.   over the telephone or in person, learning   insert charts, and more. Lecture/Demonstra-
        Lecture/Demonstration 96 hours.  Recom-  basic billing and transcription techniques   tion 48 hours. Recommended preparation:
        mended preparation: ESL 40 or equivalent.   and dental software. Lecture/Demonstration   ESL 30 and OBT 70 or equivalent.
                                            70 hours/Laboratory 30 hours. Note: Student
        50                                  should be able to keyboard at a minimum   91
        CUSTOMER SERVICE SKILLS             rate of 20 wpm and perform alpha/numeric   MICROSOFT ADVANCED EXCEL
        0 Units                                                                 0 Units
                                            fi ling. Recommended preparation: ESL 30.
        OBT 50 teaches practical techniques to over-                            OBT 91 introduces spreadsheet software
        come the number one complaint of employ-  63                            using Microsoft Offi  ce Excel. This is an
        ers: poor customer service skills. Emphasis   MEDICAL CLINICAL ASSISTING  intermediate level course that teaches the
        is on problem solving techniques, handling   0 Units                    student advanced formatting techniques, use
        complaints over the phone or in person, the   OBT 63 provides the student with a compre-  of templates and workspace, and advanced
        importance of verbal and non-verbal commu-  hensive understanding and mastery of   functions. Lecture/Demonstration 48 hours.
        nication, and appropriate business etiquette.   clinical back offi  ce  procedures.  Students   Recommended preparation: ESL 30 and
        Lecture/Demonstration 32 hours.  Recom-  gain the skills needed to hold a variety of   OBT 90.
        mended preparation: ESL 30 or equivalent   roles in a medical practice setting, includ-  95
                                            ing checking blood pressure, injections, and
        55                                  drawing blood. Lecture/Demonstration 0   QUICKBOOKS AUTOMATED
        OFFICE EQUIPMENT                    hours/Laboratory 264 hours. Recommended   ACCOUNTING
        0 Units                                                                 0 Units
                                            Preparation: OBT 61, ABSE 20, and ESL 30.
        OBT 55 prepares students for offi  ce tasks that                          OBT 95 is an automated accounting program
        require the use of offi  ce equipment. Students   70                      using QuickBooks software. This is an intro-
        who have successfully completed the neces-  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS   ductory course that teaches students to input
        sary competencies will be assigned in-house   0 Units                   basic business information and transactions,
        job shadowing where they will interact with   OBT 70 provides an introduction to computer   such as entering customers/vendors and
        co-workers and ‘learn-by-doing’ in a real-  concepts for students with no previous expo-  chart of accounts, as well as writing checks,
        world setting under the direct supervision   sure to computing. The course focuses on the   entering/paying bills and making deposits.
        of an instructor. Lecture/Demonstration 32   microcomputer (PC). Lecture/ Demonstra-  Lecture/Demonstration 28 hours.  Recom-
        hours. Prerequisite: None.          tion 16 hours. Recommended preparation:   mended preparation: ESL 40.
                                            ESL 30.
        61                                                                      97
        MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE                71                                  SAGE 50 AUTOMATED ACCOUNTING
        0 Units                             COMPUTER BASICS/ESL                 0 Units
        OBT 61 provides the participant with a   LEARNERS                       OBT 97 is an automated accounting program
        comprehensive understanding of medical   0 Units                        using Sage 50 accounting software. This is an
        front offi  ce duties. Emphasis will be on   OBT 71 is a computer literacy course espe-  introductory course that teaches students to
        mastering medical terminology, handling   cially created for ESL students. The course   input basic business information and trans-
        problem situations involving patients either   will familiarize students with computer   actions, such as entering customers/vendors
        over the telephone or in person, learning   vocabulary and will cover an introduction   and chart of accounts, as well as writing
        basic billing and transcription techniques   to keyboarding and educational software   checks, entering/paying bills and making
        and medical software. Lecture/Demon-  programs, using the Internet, e-mail, and   deposits. Lecture/Demonstration 28 hours.
        stration 100 hours/Laboratory 200 hours.   word processing applications. Students   Recommended preparation: ESL 40.
        Note: Student should be able to keyboard   should become more confi dent in using a   100
        at a minimum rate of 20 wpm and perform   computer so they can continue their educa-  BEGINNING MICROSOFT WORD
        alpha/numeric fi ling. Recommended prepa-  tion in basic computer business classes and   0 Units
        ration: ESL 30.                     improve their independent computing skills.
                                            Lecture 64 hours. Prerequisite: None.   OBT 100 is a basic introduction to word-
                                                                                processing using Microsoft Word. This is a
                                            80                                  beginning level course that teaches students
                                            WINDOWS                             how to create, edit, print, and store simple
                                            0 Units                             documents. The course also includes format-
                                            OBT 80 provides students with a basic intro-  ting, search and replace, creating columns,
                                            duction to the Windows environment. Topics   and headers/footers. Lecture/Demonstration
                                            covered include managing the desktop, the   48 hours. Recommended preparation: ESL
                                            mouse, managing  fi les (creating folders,   30, typing speed of 25 wpm, and OBT 70 or
                                            deleting, moving, and copying  fi les,  etc.),   equivalent.
                                            and learning system information. Lecture/
                                            Demonstration 16 hours.  Recommended
                                            preparation: ESL 30.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   242   243   244   245   246   247   248   249   250   251   252