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Full-Time Faculty & Administration      251

            KAZANJIAN, PHILIP                                     LYLES, VLASTA
            Professor of Business Administration                  Instructor of Biology
            B.A., University of Southern California               B.A., Pitz er College
            Ph.D., Lincoln University School of Law               Ph.D., University of  California, Los Angeles
            KERR, REID CHRISTOPHER                                MACLEAN, MEGAN M.
            Instructor of English                                 Instructor Theatre Arts
            B.A., B.A., University of North Carolina at Wilmington  B.F.A., M.F.A., California State University, Long Beach
            M.A., Western Washington University
                                                                  MACK, KEVIN J.
            KESIAN, KOHAR                                         Instructor of History
            Associate Professor, Nursing Science                  B.A., B.A., Loyola University, Chicago
            B.S., M.S., University of Phoenix                     M.A., University of California, Irvine
            KRESTOW, JENNIFER                                     MADLOCK, CALVIN
            Professor of Astronomy, Director of Planetarium       Chief Information Systems Offi  cer
            B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Toronto              B.A., Northwestern State University
            KRETZMANN, MARIA B.                                   M.S., Capella University
            Professor of Biology, Program Manager, Baja Field Studies  MAIER, MARK H.
            B.A., Cornell University                              Professor of Economics
            M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Cruz     A.B., Oberlin College
            KRONBECK, ELIZABETH                                   Ph.D., New School For Social Research
            Assistant Professor of History                        MANSOUR, MARGARET
            B.A., University of California, Los Angeles           Mental Health Counselor, Garfi eld Campus
            M.A., California State University, Los Angeles        Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology
            M.A., California State University, Fullerton          MARASHLIAN, LEVON
            KWA, ROSEMARY                                         Professor of History
            Assistant Professor of English                        B.A., University of Illinois
            B.A., Tufts University, Massachusett s                M.A., C.Phil., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
            B.M., New England Conservatory of Music, Boston       MARGARYAN, ARAIK E.
            M.A., University of California, Irvine                Instructor of Accounting
            LANGON, JANET I.                                      M.B.A., California State University, Hayward
            Associate Professor, English as a Second Language     MARTERELLA, DANA
            B.S., Georgetown University                           Associate Professor of English
            M.A., Schiller College, France                        B.A., University of California, Los Angeles
            M.A., Hunter College, New York                        M.F.T., California Institute of the Arts
            LARSON, RAKEL P.                                      MARTIN, DAVID
            Instructor of Psychology                              Instructor of Architecture
            B.A., La Sierra University                            B.A., California State University, Los Angeles
            M.S., University of California, Davis
                                                                  MATSUMOTO, LAURA
            LAVAGNINO, CLAIRE G.                                  Professor of Adapted Computer Technology and Adapted Physical Education
            Instructor of Italian                                 Head Coach, Men’s Soccer
            B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz            B.A., Willamett e University
            M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles    M.A., University of Southern California
            LAVERTU, SUZANNE N.                                   MAUK, ROBERT
            Instructor of Mathematics                             Instructor of Biology
            B.S., California State Polytechnic University, Pomona  B.S., University of California, Los Angeles
            M.S., California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo  M.S., California State University, Northridge
            LEE, ELIS                                             Ph.D., University of California, Irvine
            Associate Professor of English as a Second Language   MAYER, PAUL
            B.A., University of California, Los Angeles           Associate Professor of English as a Second Language, Continuing Education
            M.A., California State University, Los Angeles        B.A., California State University, Northridge
            LELAND, JOHN                                          M.A., California State University, Los Angeles
            Professor of Geology                                  McCOLL, RICHARD T.
            B.A., Carleton College                                Instructor of Ceramics
            M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles    A.A., West Los Angeles College
            LEONG-BRATTAIN, DENISE A.                             B.A., M.F.A., California State University, Long Beach
            Career Center Coordinator, Associate Professor, Counselor  McDONALD, BRIAN
            B.A., University of Southern California               Professor of English as a Second Language
            M.A., Loyola Marymount University                     B.A., San Diego State University
            LERNER, ADINA                                         M.A., Alliant International University
            Librarian                                             McLEMORE, SARAH K.
            M.A., University of Michigan                          Division Chair, Associate Professor of English
            M.S.L.S., Columbia University                         B.A., Scripps College
            LOPEZ, EDUARDO                                        M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
            Men’s Cross Country and Track Coach,                  MECHENEAU, SARAH NOLWEEN
            Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education  Instructor of French
            B.A., California State University, Los Angeles        M.A., Michigan State University
            M.A., Azusa Pacifi c University
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