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Associate in Arts/Science Degrees         57

                                     MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR THE
                                ASSOCIATE IN ARTS/SCIENCE DEGREES

            The following is a list of the majors and certifi cate programs   ADDICTION STUDIES COUNSELING
            and their requirements that satisfy the Associate in Arts/  AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE
            Science degree(s) for Glendale Community College.
                                                                  Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
            Please note: all courses used to satisfy the majors for the Associ-  gram, students will be able to demonstrate the ability to utilize
            ate degrees must be completed with a grade of “C’’ or better.  their counseling and cognitive abilities necessary to integrate

            Certifi cate Programs are primarily business and technical pro-  the counselor skills and ethical standards learned in the preced-
            grams for students desiring education beyond high school. These   ing Alcohol/Drug Studies Counseling program courses. The
            programs provide opportunities for students to prepare them-  program is designed to provide academic preparation and fi eld
            selves for a wide variety of careers. In most cases these programs   experience for individuals employed, or preparing for employ-
            are planned without regard to transfer schools; however, many   ment, as alcohol and drug abuse specialists in public and private
            courses are transferable to four-year colleges or universities if   agencies. During the capstone internship classes, students will
            students change their educational goals.              be able to demonstrate the ability to utilize their counseling and
            1. Certifi cates of Achievement shall be issued upon request   cognitive abilities necessary to integrate the counselor skills
              by the Offi  ce of Admissions and Records to students who   and ethical standards learned in the preceding Alcohol/Drug
              qualify by completing one of the occupation-centered   Studies Counseling program courses. Students will be able to
              curriculums. The student must have a grade of “C’’ or   demonstrate the cognitive and counseling abilities necessary to
              better in all courses constituting the certifi cate program.  integrate the counselor competencies and standards learned in
            2.  To earn a certifi cate, students must complete the number   a two year Alcohol/Drug Studies Counseling program, includ-
              of units required by the division. No certifi cate shall   ing evidence-based theory and competencies inherent in entry
              consist of less than 12 semester units.             level alcohol/drug counselor positions. To earn a certifi cate the
            3.  At least 12 units of the required courses must be com-  student must complete the core courses and selected courses
              pleted at Glendale Community College; therefore, to   from each section as designated, for a total of 42 units.
              earn a certifi cate that requires 12 units, all courses must   This program is accredited by the California Association
              be completed at GCC.                                of Alcohol and Drug Educators and designed to meet the
            4.  Students pursuing certifi cate programs of less than 16   certifi cation requirements of both the California Association
              units are not eligible for fi nancial aid.           of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors and the Coalition
            5.  Students pursuing an  Associate in Arts/Associate   of Program Standards.
              in Science degree need to complete the graduation   CORE CURRICULUM (9 units): ADST 101, 103, 105.
              requirements in addition to the certifi cate requirements.  BEHAVIORAL COURSES: REQUIRED: PSYCH 101.
            ACCOUNTING                                            Select 3 units from: PSYCH, 104, 110; ETH S 121***; SOC 101.
            AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              REQUIRED SKILL COURSES: ADST 110, 112, 119.
                                                                  REQUIRED INTERNSHIP COURSES (8 units): ADST 50 and
            Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this certifi -  ADST 152, 153.
            cate program, students will be able to demonstrate the ability   Select 3 units: ADST 111, 114.
            to read and understand the contents of a corporation’s annual   FIELD EXPERIENCE (4 units): ADST 154.
            report. Students will be composing entry-level correspondence
            and respond to correspondence initiated by others. Students will   CULTURAL DIVERSITY (3 units): ANTHR 102; CHLDV 156;
                                                                  ENGL 124; ETH S 101, 102, 110, 111, 120, 121***, 123, 124, 125,
            be able to create, edit, and print worksheets using formulas and
            statistics, date and time, fi nancial and logical functions to solve   132, 164; HIST 111, 115; HUMAN 105, 105H, 115, 125, 135;
                                                                  MUSIC 128; PHIL 113, 114, 118; PSYCH 111, 113; SOC S 127.
            business information. Students must complete all required-
            courses for a total of 34-35 units.                   ***ETH S 121 may be counted in one area only.
            REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 101, 102, 120; BUSAD 101,
            120; CABOT 105 or BUSAD 106*, 270 or ACCTG 180;
            CS/IS 101.
            A minimum of 5 units must be selected from the following:
            ACCTG 110**, 121, 130, 150, 155. 156, 157, 160, 165, 170, 175,
            180***, 201, 202, 210, 220, 225, 230, 235; BUSAD 106*, 131, 135,
            136; CABOT 106, 271; ECON 101, 102; INTERN 50 (ACCTG).
            *CABOT 105 is appropriate for certifi cate students.
            **No credit will be granted if Accounting 110 is taken after Accounting 101.
            ***If not used to fulfi ll CORE requirement

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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