Page 61 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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58     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE

        This degree or certifi cate is designed to provide a broad-based   This degree or certifi cate is designed to prepare students to
        education in the areas of law enforcement, corrections and   work in the fi eld of architectural drafting and design. The objec-
        the judicial system. The program is appropriate for students   tives are to give students skills to create architectural designs,
        seeking employment as a law enforcement offi  cer, correctional   apply local and regional codes to their design, and select the
        offi  cer, probation or parole offi  cer, or as a legal professional   proper construction techniques. This program diff ers from
        such as a paralegal or attorney. Students will demonstrate an   other design programs due to the nature of the type of struc-
        understanding of the major components and function of the   tures being designed. The focus is on residential and building
        criminal justice system in America. Students will demonstrate   designs and their related construction documents. Students
        knowledge of criminal laws in California. Students will defi ne   must complete the required courses and choose additional
        ethics in law enforcement and the consequences of unethical   courses to total a minimum of 42 - 45 units. Program Learning
        behavior. Students must complete all required courses for a total   Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, students will
        of 30 units. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of   demonstrate techniques to accomplish drawings utilizing
        this program, students will demonstrate an understanding of   diff erent computer aided design (CAD) software; develop a
        concepts in: criminal law, law enforcement procedures, crisis   portfolio of their work (this portfolio will show the students
        intervention, legal aspects of evidence and forensic science; dis-  best work from diff erent classes within the department, discuss
        cuss the aspects of community relations; discuss the techniques   building construction techniques, principles, and building
        used in investigation procedures; and discuss the diff erent   code); demonstrate skills in the production of working draw-
        aspects of special crimes.                            ings of residential and commercial structures; and discuss how
        REQUIRED COURSES: ADMJ 101, 103, 110, 117, 118, 120, 134, 170.  design/drawing techniques, application of the International
        A minimum of six units from the following: ADMJ 107,   Building Code (IBC), building construction techniques, and
        108, 116, 129, 130, 165, 202.                         other standards aff ect the design of their structure.
        RECOMMENDED COURSES: ADMJ 201, SPCH 101.              REQUIRED COURSES: ARCH 101, 103, 105, 106, 120, 125, 130,
                                                              135, 102 or 141 or 250; ART 130 or 150; BUSAD 152 or SPCH
        VISUAL ARTS - ANIMATION                               101; ENGR 109
        AA DEGREE                                             Select one course from the following: T ED 140*, ENGL 101,
                                                              102, 104, 120*
        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-  Select one course from the following: T ED 142* or MATH
        gram, college-age students and avocational learners gain skills   100 or 101.
        allowing for transfer to 4-year colleges or entry into the work-
        place; and Industry-workers retrain themselves to diversify   *Units earned for this course may not be counted toward graduation.
        their work options within animation, gaming, or visual eff ects.  ART
                                                              AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE
        REQUIRED COURSES: ART 101 or 102, 130, 150, 152, 201, 205, 206;
        HUMAN 115.                                            Program Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to demon-
                                                              strate skill in a broad range of media, materials and processes,
                                                              defi ne and use core concepts in 2D or 3D art, where applicable,
                                                              produce original work that demonstrates a high level of craft,
                                                              describe, analyze and provide criticism of works of art in various
                                                              media, prepare and organize art works for exhibition, if appli-
                                                              cable, and understand safe and hazard-free use of art materials
                                                              and equipment. For students who are interested in art as a career,
                                                              the following courses (from one of the two options) are required:
                                                              REQUIRED COURSES: ART 101, 102, 130, 131, 150, 152, 179, 280;

                                                              Select one of the following options:
                                                              TWO-DIMENSIONAL: ART 160, 166;
                                                              Select three units from: ART 138, 180, 186.
                                                              Select three units from: ART 164, 170, or PHOTO 101.
                                                              THREE-DIMENSIONAL: ART 138, 180, 186, 187, 190.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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