Page 64 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Associate in Arts/Science Degrees         61

            CERAMICS                                              The following General Education courses are required for the
            AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              Teacher — Preschool, Infant/Toddler or School Age Care, and
                                                                  Master Teacher and Site Supervisor certifi cates.
            This degree or certifi cate is designed for students wish-
            ing to prepare for employment in the commercial ceramic   *Select 16 units from the Glendale College Associate Degree
            industry. Emphasis is on job-related skills such as produc-  General Education area 9A-D (see AA/AS requirements) with
            tion forming techniques, surface design techniques, glaze   at least one course from each of the following areas:
            formulation and application, chemical safety, and kiln   •  9a. Natural Science OR 9d.(2). Mathematics course
            technology. The certifi cate is also designed for those setting   •  9.b. Social Science
            up their own production studios to work as independent   •  9c. Humanities
            artists. Students will demonstrate skill in a broad range of   •  9d.(1). English Composition
            ceramic techniques, defi ne and use core concepts used in
            the ceramic area, produce original work that demonstrates   For students completing an AS degree in Child Development,
                                                                  Glendale Community College requires that you satisfy addi-
            a high level of craft, and describe, analyze and provide
            criticism of ceramic work. Students must complete all required    tional courses in American Institutions/State & Local Govern-
                                                                  ment, U.S. History, Mathematics, Health, Physical Education,
            courses for a total of 27 units. Program Learning Outcomes:
            Upon completion of this program, student will be able to   First Aid, Cultural Diversity, as well as the major. Please see
                                                                  Graduation Requirements areas 1-8 in the catalog.
            defi ne and use core concepts used in the ceramic area;
            describe, analyze and provide criticism of ceramic work;   TEACHER
            produce original work that demonstrates a high level of   This curriculum is designed for those students who plan careers
            craft; and demonstrate skill in a broad range of ceramic   in teaching in a preschool setting. The curriculum requires
            techniques.                                           completion of 24 units of Child Development courses plus 16
            REQUIRED COURSES: ART 130, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192,   units of General Education courses. This certifi cate is aligned
            193, 195.                                             with the California Child Development Permit, which is issued
            RECOMMENDED COURSES: ART 111                          through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
            CHILD DEVELOPMENT                                     REQUIRED COURSES: CHLDV 133, 135, 138, 140, 141, 142, 150, 156,
            AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              181.
            The following degree or certifi cate options are designed to sup-
            port and encourage the professional development of students   This curriculum is designed for those students who plan
            who aim for a career in: Infant, Toddler, and/or Preschool   careers in teaching in an infant/toddler education setting. The
            Education; School Age Child Care; and/ or Early Childhood   curriculum requires completion of 27 units of Child Develop-
            Administration and Supervision. Each certifi cate is aligned   ment courses plus a minimum of 16 units of General Education
            with the California Child Development Permit, which is issued   courses, necessary for the California Child Development Permit.
            through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.   REQUIRED COURSES: CHLDV 133, 135, 138, 140, 141, 142, 147
            The permit enables an educator to move along a career ladder   150, 156, 180.
            which supports a hierarchy of professional goals and competen-
            cies relative to employment and leadership. Program Learning   SCHOOL-AGE CARE
            Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, students will   This curriculum is designed for those students who plan careers
            develop an understanding of young children, and of the multiple   in teaching in a school-age child care setting. The curriculum
            interacting infl uences on children’s development and learning   requires completion of 27 units of Child Development courses
            in order to create environments that are healthy, respectful, sup-  plus 16 units of General Education, necessary for the California
            portive and challenging for all children; understand and value   Child Development Permit.
            the importance and complex characteristics of children’s families
            and communities; use this understanding to create respectful,   REQUIRED COURSES: CHLDV 133, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142,
            reciprocal relationships that support and empower families   150, 156, 182.
            and involve families in their children’s learning and develop-  MASTER TEACHER
            ment; articulate and understand the goals, benefi ts, and uses of   This curriculum is designed for those students who plan teach-
            observation and assessment, develop competence in the use of   ing careers in an early childhood setting. The program requires
            observation, documentation and assessment techniques and tools   completion of the 27 units of Child Development curriculum
            to support teaching and learning in partnership with families   plus 16 units of General Education courses, necessary for the
            and other professionals; plan and implement developmentally   California Child Development Permit.
            appropriate, culturally and linguistically relevant experiences
            that promote and/or support development and learning for all   REQUIRED COURSES: CHLDV 133, 135, 138, 140, 141, 142, 150,
            young children; and identify as a member of the early childhood   156, 176, 180 or 181 or 182.
            profession, understand and use ethical guidelines and other
            professional standards related to early childhood practice.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69