Page 65 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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62     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        SITE SUPERVISOR                                       COMPUTER APPLICATIONS AND
                                                              BUSINESS OFFICE TECHNOLOGIES
        This curriculum is designed for those students who plan careers
        in early childhood administration and supervision. The pro-  AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE
        gram requires completion of 33 units in Child Development   ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT
        plus the completion of the requirements for the Associate in
        Science degree.                                       This degree or certifi cate prepares students for employment
                                                              in an offi  ce setting performing clerical job duties, such as word-
        REQUIRED COURSES: CHLDV 133, 135, 138, 140, 141, 142, 150,   processing business correspondence, operating offi  ce  equip-
        156, 174, 175, 176, 180 or 181 or 182.                ment, micro-computer operation, scheduling appointments,
        CHOREOGRAPHIC STUDIES AND DANCE                       coordinating and overseeing offi  ce functions. The coursework
        TECHNIQUES AA DEGREE                                  is comprised of traditional business concepts which encom-
                                                              pass accounting principles, human relations as they apply to
        This program is designed to prepare students for transfer to   the business environment, general offi  ce procedures, written
        four year institutions or to work in the dance industry. Students   business communications, management speaking techniques,
        gain the knowledge, skills and abilities required to audition as   and Microsoft Offi  ce applications. Special emphasis is placed
        commercial dancer, company dancer, or choreographer. Students   on providing comprehensive instruction in the structure,
        must complete all required core courses for a total of 24.5 - 25   mechanics, and strategies of technical writing, as well as oral
        units. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this   communications. Students will focus on the development and
        program, students will be able to integrate technical dance   proper use of English vocabulary, both general and specialized,
        skills using correct body alignment and muscle coordination   critical thinking and composition skills, eff ective speaking and
        and compare various dance forms in relation to historical and   interviewing techniques. Students must complete all required
        cultural context.                                     core courses for a total of 30-31 units. Program Learning Out-
                                                              comes: Upon completion of this program, the student will be able
        REQUIRED COURSES: DANCE 100, 111, 116, 121, 129, 130, 131,
        135 and 136, 140 or 127 or 128; BIOL 115.             initiate and respond to correspondence eff ectively while using
                                                              the latest automated technology, system software (Windows),
        CHOREOGRAPHIC STUDIES AND DANCE                       and application software (Word, Excel, and Outlook) to perform
        TECHNIQUE                                             more advanced skills; become familiar with Global information
        AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              systems to be able to sign on to an account and use common utili-
                                                              ties, including e-mail and Web browsers to search a variety of
        This degree or certifi cate is designed to provide academic and   databases for information; acquire the necessary knowledge and
        hands-on learning experience for individuals planning a career   skills of accounting and bookkeeping to be able to use journals
        as dancer or choreographer in commercial dance or in dance   and ledgers to prepare balance sheets and income statements and
        companies. Students gain the knowledge, skills and abilities   be able to translate accounting records into a basis for sound deci-
        required to transfer to a four-year college or audition for work   sion making in a variety of businesses; be able to use a variety
        in the dance industry. Students must complete the required   of offi  ce procedures to perform such tasks as sorting mail, fi ling
        courses and choose additional courses to total a minimum of 25   and processing documents; develop interpersonal skills to con-
        units. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this   duct and participate in job interviews, practice eff ective human
        program, students will be able to demonstrate technical dance   relation skills in business, handle telephone conversations with
        skills using correct body alignment and muscle coordination;   ease, and develop skills to communicate more eff ectively with
        and explain dance vocabulary of various dance styles. This cur-  customers and other employees verbally; and type by touch at a
        riculum is designed for students who plan careers in commercial   minimum of thirty (30) words a minute and to create, edit, and
        and concert dance.                                    format advanced features for any business document includ-
        REQUIRED COURSES: DANCE 100 or 102; DANCE 114, 117,   ing forms, medical and legal forms, resumes, job applications,
        122, 127, 129, 130, 135 or 136, 137, 190 or 194.      bibliographies, footnotes/endnotes, newsletters.
        A minimum of six units from the following courses: ART   REQUIRED COURSES: BUSAD 106 or 152; CABOT 101, 102, 103, 104,
        102, 125, 130; DANCE 124, 126, 127 or 128; KIN 157; HUMAN   205, 208, 265, 270;
        115, 120; MUSIC 101, 135, 230, 236, 237; T ART 101, 103, 104,   A minimum of six units from the following courses:
        109, 123, 173.                                        ACCTG 110; BUSAD 110; CABOT 110, 266, 285.
                                                              **A minimum speed is required for each individual certifi cate program.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70