Page 63 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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60     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        BOOKKEEPING                                           FINANCIAL PLANNING AND INVESTMENT
                                                              Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-  gram, students will be able to understand the terminology of
        gram, the student will understand accounting terms and uses   fi nance and express themselves analytically using time value
        as they apply to business; have knowledge of fi nancial state-  of money concepts, liquidity analysis, profi tability  analysis,
        ments and their importance to a business, vendors, creditors,   and equity management concepts; be able to apply the tools of
        and customers; be able to identify the standard elements on   investing to determine the appropriateness of an investment;
        the Windows 7 desktop and demonstrate basic mouse opera-  and be able to develop and prepare a personal income statement
        tions; to understand basic computer terminologies, and become   and balance sheet.
        familiar with global information systems to be able to sign on   REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 110 or 101; BUSAD 101, 106 (or
        to an account and use common utilities, including e-mail, Web   CABOT 105), 131, 134; CS/IS 100 or 101 or CABOT 260.
        browsers, and searching a variety of databases for informa-  Select two courses from the following: ACCTG 150; BUSAD
        tion; and be able to set-up and process a company’s accounting   120, 135, 136.
        information and Payroll System through the use of computers.
                                                              GENERAL BUSINESS
        REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 110 or 101, 120, 130; BUSAD 101;   Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        CABOT 105, 106, 110.
                                                              gram, students will be able to recognize, analyze, and assess cur-
        A minimum of fi ve units from the following: ACCTG 101*,   rent economic challenges facing global and domestic businesses;
        102, 121, 150, 155, 156, 157, 160, 165, 180; BUSAD 106, 110, 120,   be able to analyze, evaluate, and explain business problems using
        162; CABOT 208, 260, 270, 271; CS/IS 100, 101; INTERN 50   basic concepts and terminology of accounting and fi nance; and
        (ACCTG).                                              be able to understand and apply the four P’s of marketing, busi-
        *If not used to fulfi ll CORE requirement.             ness law, investments, management, and marketing.
        BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION                               REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 110 or 101; BUSAD 101, 106 (or
        AA DEGREE                                             CABOT 105), 110; CS/IS 100 or 101 or CABOT 260.
                                                              Select three courses from the following: BUSAD 120, 134,
        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-  135, 141, 162.
        gram, students will be able to recognize, analyze, and assess
        current economic challenges facing global and domestic busi-  INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
        nesses; analyze, evaluate, and explain business problems using   Program Learning Outcomes: This certifi cate  presents  the
        basic concepts and terminology of accounting and fi nance; and   business concepts necessary to compete in the International
        understand and apply the four P’s of marketing, business law,   Global Marketplace. It prepares students to import, export,
        investments, and management.                          and/or establish an overseas business presence. Students will
        REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 101, 102; BUSAD 101, 120;     learn to evaluate cross-cultural issues of marketing a product
        CS/IS 100 or 101.                                     or service; explain the functions of the U.S. customs Agency
                                                              and other regulatory agencies; and describe the documentation
                                                              required by each agency. This program is designed for both the
                                                              individual entrepreneur and the established company executive.
        ENTREPRENEURSHIP/SMALL BUSINESS                       REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 110 or 101; BUSAD 101, 106 (or
                                                              CABOT 105), 170; CS/IS 100 or 101 or CABOT 260.
        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        gram, students will understand and apply the business skills   Select three courses from the following: BUSAD 120, 158,
        necessary to start or manage a successful small business; be able   162, 175, 176.
        to create a written business plan; and be able to set-up a payroll
        system and interpret the data from various forms.

        REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 110 or 101, 130, 170; BUSAD 101, 106
        (or CABOT 105), 110 or 120, 158, 162; CS/IS 100 or 101 or CABOT

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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