Page 58 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 58

Graduation Requirements         55

                                 DEFINITIONS OF GENERAL EDUCATION

            AREA A: NATURAL SCIENCE (3 UNITS)                     2. Arts, Foreign Language, Literature, and Philosophy
               Courses included in this area examine the physical       (3 units)
            universe, its life forms, and its natural phenomena.       Courses included in this category require students to
            Courses must include content, assignments, and methods   analyze and appreciate works of philosophical, historical,
            of instruction and evaluation in which students apply   literary, aesthetic, and cultural importance within a
            experimental methodology, the testing of hypotheses, and   diverse context focusing on both Western and non-Western
            systematic questioning to theoretical, laboratory, and fi eld   cultures. In doing so, students evaluate artistic and cultural
            scenarios. In doing so, students develop an understanding   creation. Performance and studio arts courses are included
            of the basic concepts in the physical and biological sciences   in this area if they focus on the integration of history, theory,
            while developing an appreciation of the scientifi c method.  and criticism relevant to the fi eld. For foreign language
                                                                  courses, the coursework should focus on the written and
                                                                  oral language as well as the history, culture, and other
               Courses approved for this area must analyze human   attributes of the country associated with the language. For
            behavior in relation to human social, political and economic   conversational courses, there must be a prerequisite course
            institutions. Courses appropriate to this area include those   equivalent to the third year of high school study or one year
            in social science disciplines which develop in their students   of college level language.
            an understanding of cultural and social organizations in
            multiple paradigms including those of diff erent  ethnic   AREA D: LANGUAGE AND RATIONALITY
            or cultural groups. Coursework provides students the   (6 UNITS)
            opportunity to apply methodologies used by social scientists,   1.  English Composition (3 units)
            historians, and philosophers to theoretical examples and real-     This general education area is fulfi lled by a student’s
            world issues and problems. Courses also include discussion   completion of English 101. The course includes substantial
            of topics and methodologies within the context of their   instruction and practice in expository, analytical, and research
            historical, contemporary, and geographical settings.  essay writing at the college level with a minimum of 6,000
                                                                  words being written. The course also requires a substantial
            AREA C: HUMANITIES (6 UNITS)
                                                                  amount of reading of signifi cant literature. Through their
            1.  Interdisciplinary Humanities (3 units)            reading and discussion of selected prose works, students learn
               Courses included in this category require students to   to identify problems, examine possible solutions, recognize
            analyze and appreciate works of philosophical, historical,   unstated assumptions and values, appraise evidence, evaluate
            literary, aesthetic, and cultural importance within a diverse   arguments, draw inferences, and test conclusions. Through
            context focusing on both Western and non-Western cultures at   their writing, students learn to analyze, synthesize, organize
            various points in history. Courses approved for this area should   information logically, and propose original ideas.
            address the cultural and artistic expression of human beings.   2.  Communication and Analytical Thinking (3 units)
            Courses emphasize both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary      Courses approved for this category must ensure
            approaches drawing on theories, interpretations, and issues   opportunities for students to develop logical thought, clear and
            from a variety of academic  fi elds including but not limited   precise expression and critical evaluation of communication.
            to those in the humanities, visual arts, and social sciences.   Courses foster students’ abilities to distinguish fact from
            Coursework emphasizes students’ responses to humanistic   judgement, and belief from knowledge. Students learn to
            works through expository, analytical and research essays and   critique ideas and theories and to apply course concepts to
            other assignments designed to evidence students’ growing   critically analyze and engage with real world and theoretical
            understanding of harmonies between and discords among   problems and issues. Course assignments emphasizing oral
            disciplines methodologies, ideologies, and topics of interest. In   and written forms, emphasize writing as appropriate and,
            doing so, students make informed judgements regarding artistic   in particular, analytical and evaluative writing including
            and cultural creation.                                research. For courses in computer science, these may include
               Courses approved for this area must deal with the cultural   courses focused on programming languages but not general
            and artistic expression of human beings. The courses will ensure   computer classes. For courses in Mathematics, these may
            opportunities for students to develop an awareness of the ways   include courses focused on quantitative reasoning.
            in which people throughout the ages and in diff erent cultures
            have responded to themselves and the world around them in
            artistic and cultural creation and help students develop aesthetic
            understanding and an ability to make judgments.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63