Page 53 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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50     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Appeal of Dismissal                                   Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
        Following the notifi cation of dismissal from the college,   Standards
        students may appeal the dismissal action by filing a   1.  Complete Educational Goal Within Maximum Time
        reinstatement petition with the Director of Admissions and   Frame
        Records. The written petition must include the extenuating      Students pursuing a degree or transfer program are allowed
        and verifi able circumstances that warrant an exception to the   a maximum of 90 attempted units within which to com-
        dismissal action. The petition must be fi led with the time lines   plete their educational objective. Students enrolled in a
        outlined below or the student waives the rights to appeal the   certifi cate program must complete their program within
        dismissal action.                                        45 attempted units. Attempted units are units in which
        If the appeal is approved, the student shall be required to   the student received a grade, a W, or a P/NP. All attempted
        participate in a prescribed intervention and complete a rein-  units, including units transferred from other colleges, are
        statement contract, which shall include the maximum number   included in this calculation, except for ESL and remedial
        of units in which he/she shall enroll. Failure to comply with   units. Students not meeting this standard are placed on
        terms and conditions of contract may result in a subsequent   Term Dismissal. . Students exceeding these maximums are
        dismissal.                                               placed on Term Dismissal. Students with prior degrees are
        Timeline for Appeals                                     automatically placed on Term Dismissal.
        Appeals for reinstatement must be received by the Director   2.  Successful Progression Toward Educational Goal
        of Admissions and Records by August 1 for the fall semester,      Students must successfully complete at least 67% of all
        and by January 31 for the spring semester.               attempted units to meet fi nancial aid eligibility require-
        Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress (SAP)                ments. Attempted units are any units in which the student
        In order to receive  fi nancial aid, students must meet the   is enrolled beyond the deadline to drop the class. All
                                                                 attempted units, including units transferred from other
        Glendale Community College Standards of Scholarship. In   colleges, are included in this calculation. Units with grades
        addition, students are expected to meet the following stan-  of F, W, NP and IP are not successfully completed.
        dards required to maintain eligibility for federal or state
        fi nancial assistance.                                 3.  Maintain a 2.0 Grade Point Average Requirement
        General Requirements:                                    Students must maintain an offi  cial GCC cumulative Grade
                                                                 Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.0 to be eligible for fi nancial
           Eligible Program—A student must be enrolled in an edu-
           cational program which leads to a degree or certifi cate that   aid programs. Grades transferred in from other colleges are
           the student has not previously earned and which requires   included in this calculation.
           at least two semesters of study. There are a few programs   SAP Warning and Dismissal
           at GCC that are NOT eligible for fi nancial aid. For more   Students’ compliance with Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic
           information regarding ineligible programs, please contact   Progress Standards is measured each semester. Students who
           the fi nancial aid offi  ce.                          are warned that they are in danger of not meeting one or more
                                                              of the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards
           Review of Previous College Records—Students are
           expected to make satisfactory progress according to the   must meet the standard(s) by the end of the semester in order
           College’s standards of scholarship during all periods of   to remain eligible for fi nancial aid. Students not meeting this
           enrollment whether or not they are receiving  fi nancial   standard after the “Warning” semester are placed on SAP
           aid. Previous enrollment at Glendale College and units   Dismissal and are no longer eligible for fi nancial aid.
           transferred from other institutions will be included in   Appeal Process for SAP Dismissal or Term Dismissal
           determining the student’s maximum time frame and SAP   Students may appeal their SAP Dismissal or Term Dismissal
           requirements for remaining eligibility for Title IV funds.   from fi nancial aid if failure to meet SAP requirements is due
                                                              to mitigating circumstances beyond the student’s control. The
           Course Repetitions — Course repetitions within federal
           policy will be allowed. Students on contract may repeat   appeal should include documentation of the mitigating cir-
           a course they have previously failed if it is necessary for   cumstances. Not all appeals are approved. Students appealing
           completion of the degree or certifi cate, listed on their SEP   a dismissal as a result of not meeting progress standards may
           and approved by a counselor (Dropped courses and grades   be reinstated for one semester and must meet all Satisfactory
           of W will not count as the allowed retake). Students may   Academic Progress standards by the end of that semester. Stu-
           repeat, with aid, the previously failed course or courses   dents appealing a dismissal due to exceeding the Maximum
           until they receive a passing grade in the course (no F, I, W   Time Frame for completing an eligible program may be allowed
           grades). Students on contract may repeat a course they have   to continue on a Financial Aid Contract. Only the courses on
           previously passed one time only if it is necessary for the   the Financial Aid Contract will count toward fi nancial aid eli-
           degree or certifi cate, listed on the SEP and approved by a   gibility and must be successfully completed for the student to
           counselor (grades of F on the retake course count as the one   remain eligible for fi nancial aid. Appeal approvals are eff ective
           allowable retake and no further retakes will be funded).  as of the semester the appeal is approved and are not retroac-
                                                              tive to prior semesters.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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