Page 50 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Scholastic Information and Regulations         47

            FINAL EXAMINATIONS                                    semester to complete the work as noted in the contract. This
            At the end of each semester a fi nal examination schedule is   information will be sent to the student from the Admissions
            followed. Students must attend all classes in accordance with   and Records offi  ce. A fi nal grade shall be assigned when the
            the schedule for that period. This arrangement permits the   work stipulated in the Contract has been completed and
            giving of fi nal examinations in those classes which require   evaluated or when the time limit for completing the work
            them and the completion of the instructional program in   has passed. Incomplete grades cannot be awarded after the
            the other classes. No student shall be excused from taking a   submission of the class grades. There are no extensions to
            fi nal examination where such is required as part of a course.  the Contract, and students cannot register in the course to
                                                                  complete the Incomplete. The course cannot be retaken until
                                                                  the Incomplete is resolved.
            The standing of students in each course will be determined   GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
            by class work and examinations. Grades will be reported
            and grade points allowed as follow:                   Glendale Community College District is committed to pro-
                                                                  viding a prompt and equitable means of resolving student
            A -  Excellent .................................................. 4 grade points per unit  complaints against actions taken by the college and its
            B -  Good ........................................................ 3 grade points per unit  employees. In accordance with applicable State and Federal
            C -  Satisfactory ............................................. 2 grade points per unit  laws, the district maintains grievance procedures that are
            D -  Passing, Less than satisfactory .......... 1 grade point per unit  available to any student who reasonably believes a college
            F -  Failing ...................................................... 0 grade points  decision or action has adversely aff ected his or her status,
               (cannot be removed by examination)                 rights, or privileges as a student.
            P -  Pass (Pass indicates a “C” grade or better—units, not counted   What can a student grieve?
               in  GPA)
            NP- No Pass (No Pass indicates lower than a “C” grade—units   Students may  fi le grievances against actions by GCC
               not awarded in GPA but included in computation of progress   employees in areas including, but not limited to the fol-
               probation)                                         lowing: the exercise of rights of free expression; violation
            Grade-Point Average (GPA)                             of published GCC rules, Board policies, and administrative
                                                                  regulations; academic decisions that may aff ect a course
            The GPA is computed by dividing the total number of grade   grade; and the assignment of fi nal course grades (according
            points earned by the GPA units. A “W’’ notation does not   to prescribed legal limits).
            enter into computation of the GPA. Also, such computa-  Where can a student get a copy of the GCC student griev-
            tions do not include the unit value of courses for which   ance procedures?
            “P or “NP’’ are recorded or for courses completed under   Copies of GCC Board Policy 5530 and Administrative Regu-
            the regulations established for credit by examination. If a   lations 5530 can be obtained from a division chairperson, the
            course is repeated for the purpose of improving previous   Dean of Student Aff airs, the Dean of Instructional Services,
            substandard work, the units attempted and grade points   the Dean of Student Services, and the Director of Admis-
            earned are counted according to the course repetition   sions and Records. Additionally, students may access these
            policy. An “I’’ made up carries the grade points per unit   regulations on the GCC website at
            appropriate to the grade given on makeup.
                                                                  Non-Grade Grievances
            Non-Evaluative Symbols                                A student may address a complaint about an action taken
            Units for which the following grading symbols have been   by a college employee that does not involve course grades
            assigned will not be counted in the computation of the GPA.  through the grievance process. Informal meetings and dis-
            I -   Incomplete (Included in the computation of progress   cussions between persons directly involved in a non-grade
                  probation)                                      grievance are essential at the outset of the dispute and are
            W -   Withdrawn (Included in computation of progress   encouraged at all stages. If a student cannot resolve a non-
                  probation)                                      grade grievance directly with the involved GCC employee,
            IP -   In Progress—To be used when class extends beyond   the student may request a meeting with the appropriate
                  the normal end-of an academic term              administrator/manager or division chairperson. The admin-
            RD -   Report Delayed                                 istrator/manager or division chairperson shall meet with the
            MW -  Military withdrawal- to be used when student receives   student and the employee in an attempt to resolve the issue
                  military orders                                 and may meet with the student and GCC employee either
                                                                  jointly or separately. If no informal resolution is reached
            An incomplete grade, “I”, may be assigned for academic
            work not completed for unforeseeable emergencies and/  with the administrator/manager or division chairperson
                                                                  that is satisfactory to the student, the student may request
            or justifi able reasons at the end of the term. The instructor
            must complete the Contract for Award of Incomplete Grade   an administrative hearing with the appropriate senior GCC
                                                                  administrator as follows: Instructional Services employees:
            including conditions for removal of the “I” and the grade
            to be assigned in lieu of the “I”. The instructor will gener-  Vice President, Instructional Services or designee; Student
                                                                  Services employees: Vice President, Student Services or
            ate this contract when fi nal grades are entered online. The
            student will have until the end of the following regular   designee; Administrative Services employees: Executive

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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