Page 52 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Scholastic Information and Regulations         49

            If the student cannot resolve the grade appeal with the   PETITIONS PROCEDURE
            instructor and division chairperson, then the student may   Students with extenuating circumstances warranting
            request a conference with the appropriate dean. The dean   special consideration for adjustment or deviation from
            will meet with the student and instructor either jointly or   established procedures and policies of the college may fi le
            separately to resolve the grade appeal through compromise,   a petition with the Offi  ce of Admissions and Records. The
            negotiated settlement, or a recommendation that is satisfac-  Petition to Waive College Requirement must be supported
            tory to all involved parties. If the dean is unable to resolve   with appropriate documentation.
            the complaint, and the student wishes to continue the grade   The notation of withdrawal “W” is not expunged from a
            appeal process, then the student may submit a written request   transcript for any reason other than California Education
            to the Vice President, Instructional Services. If the issue con-  Code, Title 5, Section 55024.
            tinues to be unresolved a written appeal for a formal grade
            appeal hearing with the Campus Judicial Board.        REMEDIAL COURSEWORK LIMIT POLICY
            The Campus Judicial Board will conduct a closed hearing   Glendale College off ers remedial coursework through pre-
            and based on the examination of supporting documents   collegiate basic skills courses in reading, writing, learning
            and testimony may take the following actions: Accept the   skills, study skills, mathematics, and English as a Second
            formal grade appeal and recommend an administrative grade   Language. These courses are designated as non-degree
            change; reject the formal grade appeal; make related recom-  applicable credit courses. The Superintendent/President
            mendations as appropriate.                            or designee shall establish administrative regulations on
            The Board will issue a written decision that includes   remedial coursework. (Title 5, Section 55002)
            a determination of whether the student established a   STANDARDS OF SCHOLARSHIP
            rationale for a grade change according to applicable laws,
            and recommendations for the relief, if any, that should be   Glendale Community College interprets a “C’’ average as a
            aff orded to the student. These fi ndings are then submitted to   satisfactory scholarship standard.
            the Superintendent/President for a fi nal review.      Students who fail to maintain satisfactory scholarship
            After receiving the report of  fi ndings and recommended   shall be placed on academic or progress probation and
            actions from the Campus Judicial Board, the Superintendent/  shall be dismissed.
            President will issue a written decision to the involved   1. Academic Probation
            parties that include his or her conclusions and directives.      A student shall be placed on academic probation if the
            The Superintendent/President’s decision shall be fi nal and   student’s cumulative grade-point average for all semester
            binding in all formal grade appeal hearings.            units attempted at GCC is less than 2.0.
            HONORS                                                2. Progress Probation
                                                                     A student who has enrolled in a cumulative total of at
            Honors at Entrance
                                                                    least twelve (12) semester units shall be placed on prog-
            Honors at Entrance is granted to selected graduates of   ress probation if the percentage of all units in which a
            accredited United States high schools who have obtained a   student has enrolled for which grades of “W’’, “I’’ and
            3.5 or higher in their sophomore and junior years and fi rst   “NC’’ or “NP” are recorded reaches or exceeds fi fty per-
            semester of the senior year. The student must be a  fi rst-  cent (50%).
            semester-freshman and be enrolled in the college full-time.
            Students must apply for Honors at Entrance and submit   3. Dismissal
            offi  cial copies of their high school transcripts to the Offi  ce   a.  A student on probation (academic, progress or a com-
            of Admissions and Records. Grades in physical education    bination of both) who earns any form of probationary
            and military science courses are not included when calcu-  status during enrollment at the end of the third con-
            lating the GPA.                                            secutive semester of attendance shall be dismissed and
            Dean’s Honors                                              shall not be reinstated until at least one semester (fall
                                                                       or spring) has elapsed after the dismissal. Students on
            All students who are in good standing and whose semester   dismissal are only allowed to enroll in a short term
            grade-point average is 3.50 or higher in 12 or more units; 3.75   session for winter or summer.
            to 3.99 in 9 to 11.5 units; or 4.00 in 6 to 8.5 units, with grades
            of A, B or C are eligible for Dean’s Honors. An earned grade   b.  A student having been readmitted on probation after
            of NP or I disqualifi es a student for Dean’s Honors.       academic dismissal must maintain a grade-point aver-
                                                                       age of at least 2.0 and must not be placed on progress
            Dean’s Honors will be posted each semester to the students’   probation. If either the grade-point average falls below
            permanent academic records.
                                                                       2.0 or the student is assigned the progress probation
            Academic Honors at Graduation                              status, that student shall again be dismissed for one
            Academic Honors are awarded to students at graduation      semester (either fall or spring).
            who have achieved a grade-point average of 3.5 or above
            in all degree-applicable work completed at Glendale
            Community College.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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