Page 56 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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Graduation Requirements         53

                                        GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS

            Glendale Community College shall confer the degree of   The requirements for the  Associate in Art/Science
            Associate of Arts or Associate of Science upon a student   degree may be met by completing an approved major/
            who has satisfactorily completed all of the requirements   certifi cate program of 18 semester units or more. The
            for graduation. At GCC, a student is allowed to petition   approved majors/certifi cate programs are listed on the
            for one Associate in Arts or Associate in Arts for Transfer   following pages.
            degree (AA or AA-T) and one Associate in Science or     When a course required for a Major is also an approved
            Associate in Science for Transfer degree (AS or AS-T) for a   general education course, the course may be double-
            total of two Associate degrees. However, if a student seeks   counted. However, units are only counted once to satisfy
            to earn additional degrees for employment purposes, or   the 60 unit requirement for the Associate Degree.
            for four-year university admission requirements, he or
            she may do so if:                                       AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS/STATE & LOCAL
            •  The student has met the minimum requirements for the
               proposed major/certifi cate; and                        2.  Three semester units  in American Institutions
                                                                         and State & Local Government are required:
            •  At least 12 required units in the proposed major are      POL S 101**, 106.
               separate and distinct from the required units of the      (**Students who complete POL S 101 before Spring
               student’s fi rst and second degrees earned at GCC; and
                                                                         2014 must also complete POL S 106).
            •  The student has achieved a minimum GPA of 2.0 for all   U.S. HISTORY
               units attempted in pursuit of the degree; and
                                                                      3.  Three semester units in American History are
            •  The student has completed a graduation petition with an   required: ECON 111/HIST 116; HIST 111(CD),
               academic counselor, preferably during the beginning       111H(CD), 117, 118, 118H.
               of the fi nal semester.
            If all of the above requirements are met, the student may   4.  Evidence of proficiency in mathematics is
            be able to petition for more than one degree during the      required. This requirement may be fulfilled
            same semester.                                               with a grade of  “C’’ or better in MATH 30,
            The Associate degree is granted to persons who  fi le  a      30+, 90, 90+, 101, 118, 120, 130, 131, or 220AB
            Petition for Graduation in the Admissions and Records        (2 units).
            Offi  ce, who are not on academic probation, and who have
            completed 12 semester units of the required college cur-  HEALTH
            riculum of 60 degree applicable semester units at GCC.    5.  Three semester units of community and personal
            Exceptions to the residence requirement can be made by       hygiene are required: HLTH 104, 106; PSYCH
            the Board of Trustees when an injustice or undue hardship    111(CD)* or equivalent will satisfy this require-
            would result. The completion of the required 60 semester     ment.
            units must include all of the following:                PHYSICAL EDUCATION
            MAJOR                                                     6.  Two semester units of physical education activity
              1.   The requirement for the Associate in Arts/Science     classes and/or dance activity classes must be
                 degree may be met by completing a Major with a          completed unless exempted by established policy.
                 minimum of 18 semester units: The approved Majors   FIRST AID
                 are listed on the following pages.
                                                                      7.  One semester unit in fi rst aid and CPR is required:
                            List of AA/AS Majors                         HLTH 101, 102; EMT 140.
                        Biological Sciences   Mass Communications   CULTURAL DIVERSITY
                        Business Administration Mathematics           8.  Three semester units in Cultural Diversity are
                        Choreographic Studies   Music                    required. Courses which satisfy this requirement
                   and Dance Technique   Physical Science                have been marked by (CD) and appear throughout
                       Engineering       Social Sciences                 the graduation requirements. The requirement
                       English           Speech/Communications           may be satisfi ed by completing any one of the
                       Foreign Language   Theater Arts                   graduation requirements with a course marked
                     Health Science      Visual Arts                     (CD) or by completing CHLDV 156, SPCH 115.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61