Page 55 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 55

52     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        22. The use of any electronic listening or recording device in   WITHDRAWAL/COURSE DROP POLICY
           any classroom without the prior consent of the instructor,   Once enrolled in courses, students are not considered
           except as necessary to provide reasonable accommodations   dropped or withdrawn unless:
           for students with disabilities.
                                                                • They have dropped the course Online via MyGCC or
        23. Selling, preparing, or distributing recorded course   • They have dropped the course with an Add/Drop form
           materials for any purpose unless authorized by the     in person at the Admissions & Records offi  ce.
           instructor in writing.
        Authorized disciplinary sanctions for violations of student   A grade of “W” will not be made on the permanent aca-
        behavioral regulations include, but are not limited to writ-  demic record of a student who drops or is dropped from
        ten reprimand, loss of privileges, restitution, temporary   the course or from college:
        removal from class, suspension, and permanent expulsion.   • During the fi rst two weeks of a semester-length course;
        The college administers these sanctions through the Stan-  • During the fi rst week of a course which is at least fi ve
        dards of Student Conduct and provides involved students   weeks in length and less than a semester in length; or
        with their due process rights guaranteed by State and   • During the fi rst 20% of a course which is less than fi ve
        Federal constitutional protections. Copies of the Standards   weeks in length
        of Student Conduct are available in the Student Aff airs Offi  ce
        located in the J.W. Smith Student Center.             Students who drop or are dropped from semester length
                                                              courses after the second week and prior to the end of the
        UNIT OF WORK                                          12th week will receive grades of “W” on their permanent
        The credit value in semester units of each course is indi-  academic records.
        cated after the title of the course under “Course Descrip-  In order to receive a grade of “W” in a fi ve-week summer/
        tions.’’ Each unit represents one hour per week of lecture   winter session course, a student must drop by the end of
        or discussion, or a longer time in laboratory or other exer-  the third week, and by the end of the fourth week for a
        cises not requiring outside preparation. For each hour of   six-week summer/winter session class.
        lecture-discussion, two hours of preparation are assumed.
                                                              Any courses of duration not listed above adhere to a pro
        UNIT LIMITATIONS                                      rata schedule for deadlines.
        The students’ program of studies will vary according   A student must drop a course during the period stated
        to their needs and objectives. Students registered in 12   to not receive a withdrawal notation (W). There are no
        or more units are classifi ed as full-time students; those   extenuating circumstances to remove a “W” from a stu-
        registered for less than 12 units are classifi ed as part-time   dent record. If circumstances occur after the  fi nal  drop
        students. The academic load carried should be in line   date to receive a “W”, the student may petition (see page
        with the best combined judgment of the student and the   48 of this section). Extenuating circumstances are verifi ed
        counselor. The college recommends that students who are   cases of accident, illness or other circumstances beyond the
        working 20 hours per week should carry no more than 10   control of the student. Such withdrawals or drops shall be
        units; 30 hours per week, no more than 8 units; and 40   recorded as a “W”.
        hours per week, no more than 6 units. Individuals having   Students not dropped or withdrawn from courses during
        health problems should make proportionate adjustments   the periods and circumstances described above will not
        in their college programs.                            be eligible for a notation of “W” and must be assigned a
        Students may not register in more than 19 units, includ-  letter grade in the “A” through “F” category, or “P/NP” in
        ing wait-list units, in a fall or spring semester.    those courses so designated.
                                                              According to California Education Code, Title 5, Section
                                                              55024, the number of times that a student may withdraw
                                                              from a class is limited. See your counselor for procedures
                                                              and policies.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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