Page 51 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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48     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        Vice President, Administrative Services or designee; Col-  and accrediting standards. ACCJC is the agency that
        lege Administrators: Superintendent/President or designee.  accredits the academic programs of the California
        The senior administrator shall meet with student and GCC   Community Colleges.
        employee either jointly or separately to attempt to settle   Grade Appeals
        grievance through mediation, negotiated agreement, or   This procedure provides a means of resolving a student’s
        another mutually acceptable resolution. The fi nal outcome   dispute of an academic decision (such as temporary removal
        or resolution will be communicated to the involved parties   from a lab or classroom setting) or the assigned fi nal grade
        within ten instructional days after the conclusion of the   for a course. A student has the right initially to an informal
        hearing process.                                      review and explanation of his or her grade by the instructor
        Most complaints, grievances or disciplinary matters can be   who in turn is obligated to provide such a review. However,
        resolved at the campus level. This is the quickest and most   a student may only appeal a grade or academic decision if
        successful way of resolving issues involving a California   he or she is prepared to carry the burden of proving one
        community college. Issues that are not resolved at the   or more of the following conditions as specifi ed by law: a
        campus level may be presented to:                     mistake in the assignment of the grade or in the process of
        •  The CCC Chancellor’s Offi  ce if your complaint does not   its recording, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence.
            concern CCC’s compliance with academic program    A student shall initiate the process by fi ling a grade appeal
            quality and accrediting standards. Complete the web   with the instructor within the next regular semester (as
            form at  specifi ed in the applicable class schedule) following the
            ComplaintsForm.aspx.                              award of the original grade. The student is expected to
        •  The Chancellor’s Offi  ce website at http://extranet.cccco.  make a reasonable eff ort to resolve the matter on an infor-
            edu/Divisions/Legal/Discrimination.aspx if your com-  mal basis with the instructor. If the student and instructor
            plaint involves unlawful discrimination.          cannot settle the grade appeal, the student may request a
        •  The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior   meeting with the appropriate division chairperson. The
            Colleges (ACCJC) at  division chairperson will then meet with the student and
            process if your complaint is associated with the insti-  the instructor either jointly or separately to attempt to work
            tution’s compliance with academic program quality   out the grievance.

                Subjectȱȱ        Stepȱ1ȱ         Stepȱ2ȱ          Stepȱ3ȱ            Stepȱ4ȱ          Stepȱ5ȱ
           AcademicȱHonestyȱȱ   Instructorȱ   DivisionȱChairȱȱ  DeanȱofȱInstructionȱ               JudicialȱBoardȱ
                             ProgramȱManager,ȱCenterȱforȱStudentsȱwithȱ   ViceȱPresidentȱofȱȱ           ȱ
                                         Disabilitiesȱ                    StudentȱServicesȱ
           Admissionȱandȱ                                                 ViceȱPresidentȱofȱȱ           ȱ
           Registrationȱ                                                  StudentȱServicesȱ
                                    Instructor/ȱ         DivisionȱChair/ȱ          Deanȱofȱȱ
           StudentȱMisconductȱȱ                                                                    JudicialȱBoardȱ
                                   StaffȱMemberȱ           Supervisorȱ          StudentȱAffairsȱ
                                               AssociateȱViceȱPresident,ȱHumanȱResourcesȱ               ȱ
           SexualȱMisconductȱ                     ViceȱPresidentȱofȱStudentȱServicesȱ                   ȱ

           FinancialȱAidȱ     AssistantȱDirectorȱofȱStudentȱFinancialȱAidȱ  ViceȱPresidentȱofȱStudentȱServicesȱ  ȱ
           GradeȱAppealsȱ       Instructorȱ   DivisionȱChairȱ  DeanȱofȱInstructionȱ                JudicialȱBoardȱ
           NonȬGradeȱ               Instructor/ȱ         DivisionȱChair/ȱ        Appropriateȱȱ
           Grievancesȱ             StaffȱMemberȱ           Supervisorȱ          ViceȱPresidentȱ
           StudentȱSuccessȱandȱ                                           ViceȱPresidentȱofȱȱ
                                    DeanȱofȱStudentȱServicesȱ                                           ȱ
           SupportȱProgramsȱ                                              StudentȱServicesȱ
           Residencyȱ            DirectorȱofȱAdmissionȱandȱRecordsȱ                                     ȱ
                              CollegeȱPoliceȱDepartmentȱ  ChiefȱofȱPoliceȱ  Superintendent/Presidentȱ   ȱ

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