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Scholastic Information and Regulations         51

            Appeals to Count the Higher Grade and for Academic Renewal   4.  Forgery, alteration, or other unauthorized use of GCC
            may impact your  fi nancial aid eligibility. Please consult a   documents, applications, records, identifi cation, or forms
            fi nancial aid advisor if you are pursuing one of these appeals.  processed by the college.
            Academic Dismissal                                    5.  Unauthorized possession or duplication of keys to any
            Students who are placed on Academic Dismissal by the Col-  GCC premises, entry into or use of any GCC premises, or
            lege are not eligible for fi nancial aid. There is no Financial Aid   use of GCC supplies and equipment.
            appeal process for this status.                       6.  Cheating, plagiarism, or other violations of GCC policies
            Appeal process for Loss of the CA College Promise       and administrative regulations governing academic hon-
            Grant (formerly the BOG Fee Waiver)                     esty.
            Students who are eligible for the CA College Promise Gran   7.  Misuse of GCC computer systems in violation of GCC
            must meet the Glendale Community College Standards of   board of policies and regulations governing the use of
            Scholarship for Academic AND Progress Probation.        computer and communications technology.
            If a student fails to meet the minimum requirement for   8.  Gaming, gambling, or participating in other activities for
            academic and/or progress probation for two (2) consecutive   the purposes of wagering or betting funds.
            primary terms they will lose their CA College Promise Grant   9.  Soliciting or assisting another to perform any act that
            eligibility. Students may appeal the loss of their CA College   would violate the Standards of Student Conduct and subject
            Promise Grant with the Financial Aid Offi  ce if failure to meet   a student to disciplinary sanctions.
            academic and/or progress probation is/was due to one of the   10. Violation of judicial and statutory standards of obscenity;
            following extenuating circumstances:                    engaging in lewd or indecent behavior on campus or at a
              •  Verifi ed accident, illness, or other circumstances beyond   campus function.
                 your control                                     11. Violation of federal, state, or local law on GCC premises,
              •   Changes in economic situation                     or at GCC sponsored or supervised activities.
              •   Evidence of inability to obtain essential support services  12. Use, possession, or distribution of narcotics, other legally
              •   Disability accommodations not received in a timely
                 manner                                             controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages except as
              •   Successful appeal based on significant academic   expressly permitted by law and GCC regulations.
                 improvement                                      13. Failure to comply with directions of GCC employees who
                                                                    are acting within the scope of their job responsibilities.
            In Addition, a student can be reinstated if he/she:   14. Presence on campus or at a college-sponsored function
              •   Improves his/her CGPA or course completion to meet   while under the infl uence of narcotics, other legally
                 the academic and progress standards                controlled substances, or alcoholic beverages except as
              •   Not attend GCC for two consecutive primary terms (any   expressly permitted by law and GCC regulations.
                 combination of fall/spring semesters)
                                                                  15. Abusive behavior directed toward, or hazing of, a member
            STANDARDS OF STUDENT CONDUCT                            of the campus community or a campus visitor.
            The Standards of Student Conduct provide a prompt and   16. Illegal or unauthorized possession or use of  fi rearms,
            equitable means to address alleged student violations of the   explosives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals.
            college’s behavioral regulations. Students who violate college   17. Sexual harassment of a member of the campus community
            policies and behavioral regulations shall be subject to the disci-  or a campus visitor including, but not limited to unwel-
            plinary procedures outlined in the Standards of Student Conduct,   come sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; other
            GCC Administrative Regulation 5500. These procedures are   verbal, non verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature
            not intended to substitute for criminal or civil proceedings that   in violation of GCC board policies and administrative
            may be initiated by other agencies.                     regulations on sexual harassment, and applicable State
            Prohibited conduct that may subject a student to disciplinary   and Federal laws.
            sanctions includes, but is not limited to the following:  18. Verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion
            1.  Disruption of the orderly operation of the college, including   or other conduct that threatens or endangers the health
              but not limited to the delivery of GCC instructional, admin-  and safety of a member of the campus community or a
              istrative, or student services; campus activities sponsored   college visitor.
              or sanctioned by GCC; other authorized non GCC activities   19. Assault, battery, or any other physically abusive behavior
              when the act occurs on GCC premises.                  that threatens or endangers the health and safety of a
            2.  Violation of published GCC rules, Board policies, and   member of the campus community or campus visitor.
              administrative regulations.                         20. Theft or attempted theft of GCC property, or property of
            3.  Knowingly furnishing false information to any GCC   a member of the campus community or campus visitor.
              employee or campus offi  ce for the purpose of completing   21. Actual or attempted vandalism or destruction of GCC
              GCC documents, applications, or forms processed by the   property, or property of a member of the campus com-
              college.                                              munity or campus visitor.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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