Page 62 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 62

Associate in Arts/Science Degrees         59

            VISUAL ARTS - ART HISTORY                             PILOT TRAINING
            AA DEGREE
                                                                  Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
            Students will be able to use the specialized vocabulary of art   gram, students will demonstrate the skills required to success-
            history; identify examples of art objects depending on course   fully pass the FAA knowledge exam appropriate to the rating
            (ancient, Renaissance, etc.); and analyze the cultural signifi cance   sought. Students will demonstrate an understanding of Federal
            of art objects studied.  Program Learning Outcomes:  Upon   Aviation Regulations and profi ciency in cross country fl ight
            completion of this program, students will be able to analyze   planning. Students will demonstrate practical skills required
            cultural signifi cance of art objects studied Identify specifi c   to pass FAA practical testing for the rating sought.
            examples of art Apply the specialized vocabulary of art history.  Training off ered in this fi eld:
            REQUIRED COURSES: ART 101, 102, 130.                  1.  Instruction: For those who wish to complete two years
            Select three courses from the following: ART 103, 104, 105, 106,   of college to become eligible to enter civil aviation as
            107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 116, 118, 120, 121, 138, 150, 199.  professional pilots.
                                                                  2.  Basic Pilot Training: Prepares the student for the FAA
            VISUAL ARTS - TWO/THREE DIMENSIONAL                     Private Pilot Airplane written examination for the Private
            AA DEGREE                                               Pilots License. Required course is AT 120.
                                                                  3.  Advanced Pilot Training: A program designed to give pri-
            Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
            gram, students will be able to defi ne and use core concepts in   vate pilots adequate aeronautical knowledge and experience
            2D and 3D art; demonstrate skill in a broad range of media,   necessary to enter the fi eld as commercial pilots with an
            materials and processes; describe, analyze and provide criti-  instrument rating as their career. To enter this program, it
            cism of works of art in various media; prepare and organize art   is recommended the student satisfactorily complete AT 120*.
            works for exhibition, if applicable; understand safe and hazard-     REQUIRED COURSES: AT 112, 113, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125.
            free use of art materials and equipment; produce original work      RECOMMENDED COURSES: AT 134, 136.
            the demonstrate a high level of craft; prepare artist statements,   *AT 120 may be taken credit by exam.
            resumes and collateral written materials; and relate works of art   BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE
            to ideas from the study of art history and the humanities. Select   AS DEGREE
            one of the following:
            TWO-DIMENSIONAL:                                      The AS degree in Biological Sciences provides a strong founda-
            REQUIRED COURSES: ART 101 or 102, 130, 150.           tion for transfer to a 4 year university in order to complete a BS
            Select three courses from the following: ART 131, 151, 152,   in Biology or related fi elds.  It may also provide appropriate
            160, 164, 166, 170, 179, 280; PHOTO 101.              training for employment in biological laboratories, museums,
            THREE-DIMENSIONAL:                                    and/or educational outreach. Students may petition to use
            REQUIRED COURSES: ART 101 or 102, 130, 138.           IGETC for STEM majors in place of our local GE requirements.
            Select three courses from the following: ART 152, 157, 179,   Students must complete all required core courses for a total
            180, 181, 186, 187, 190, 280.                         of 39 units. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion
                                                                  of this program, students will be able to describe and demon-
            AVIATION AND TRANSPORTATION                           strate correct use of laboratory equipment; be well-prepared for
                                                                  upper-division biology courses; and be well-qualifi ed as transfer
            AVIATION ADMINISTRATION                               students to a 4 year university biology program.
                                                                  REQUIRED COURSES: BIOL 101, 102; CHEM 101, 102, 105, 106;
            This degree or certifi cate is designed for those who wish to enter
            civil aviation work as clerks, agents, station and traffi  c manag-  MATH 103, 104.
            ers, or  fi xed base operators.  Program Learning Outcomes:
            Upon completion of this program, students will demonstrate
            an understanding of the diff erences and similarities between
            general aviation and commercial aviation; demonstrate the
            skills required to establish and manage airport operations; and
            identify eff ective techniques of fl ight training and fl ight school
            REQUIRED COURSES: AT 120, 128; BUSAD 101; ENGL 101;
            PSYCH 101; SPCH 101.
            A minimum of four units from the following: AT 121, 122,
            123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136; ACCTG 101
            (or 105 and 106), 102, 110; CS/IS 100, 101; ECON 101, 102.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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