Page 77 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 77
II. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS NOTE: A student may apply to take the NCLEX-RN without completion
of degree requirements when coursework required for licensure (II.B.2. or
A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS II.C.c.) has been completed. Please see the Nursing Department for further
1. All required coursework in the Department of Nursing information.
programs must be completed with a “C” or better.
2. Applicants must meet the placement and testing 2. 30-UNIT OPTION
a. Prerequisite requirement: Current active California
requirements for the program for which they are VN license in good standing.
applying. b. Prerequisite courses: BIOL 121, Physiology and BIOL
3. Proof of high school graduation, a higher degree, GED, 112, Microbiology.
California Profi ciency Exam, or foreign high school c. Coursework required for licensure includes NS 213,
evaluated as equivalent to an American high school 214, 215, 216 or 220, 217, 218 and 222.
4. Students accepted into the Nursing Program must D. Transfer and challenge opportunities are available by
comply with current department policies which departmental policy. Please consult the Counseling
include: possession of current Fire Safety and CPR Department or the Department of Nursing or the webpage
cards; complete a physical exam, lab tests, and immu- ( for further information.
nizations; be free from physical, mental, and emotional RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT
disorders which may prevent them from performing AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE
tasks and responsibilities in nursing; and undergo
drug screening and a background check as required This degree or certifi cate provides students with the professional
by clinical affi liates prior to being allowed into a clini- preparation required to meet the new trends and demands of
cal setting. Students with questions regarding these management in the food service industry. Certifi cate courses
requirements may contact the division offi ce. focus on the fundamentals of operating a food service establish-
B. GENERIC ADN ment, emphasizing personnel supervision, purchasing, menu
1. Required prerequisite courses (or their equivalent) development, cost control, and beverage service, as well as
include BIOL 112*, Microbiology; BIOL 120*, Human other aspects of management. Program Learning Outcomes:
Anatomy; BIOL 121*, Physiology; PSYCH 101, General Upon completion of this program, students will demonstrate
Psychology; ENGL 101, Freshman English; and skills and knowledge required in the fi eld of restaurant man-
eligibility to enroll in MATH 101. agement including: professional cooking, sanitation practices,
*There is a 7-year recency requirement for BIOL 112, 120 and 121. See Academic institutional purchasing, beverage and bar operations, banquet
and catering presentation, and management principles for food
Counseling to petition extenuating circumstances.
2. Coursework required for certifi cate/licensure includes service personnel.
BIOL 112, 120, 121; ENGL 101; NS 200, 201, 205, 208, 210, REQUIRED COURSES: CULIN 111, 113, 116, HRM 115, 117, 201, 203,
211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 or 220, 222, 223; PSYCH 101; 207, 214 or 216, 256; CULIN 50 (six units).
3. Graduation requirements*: Any course or courses SOCIAL SCIENCES
satisfying the Humanities (6 units); Multicultural
course; American History, American Institutions, State AA DEGREE
and Local Government, and Mathematics profi ciency. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this
(Please see Index for graduation requirements). program, the student will have developed a broad and
*Students who have a BA/BS (any major) from a critical understanding of the complex interconnections
regionally accredited college or university can receive between the human and environmental forces in their
an AS degree when completing the prerequisites; world. The student will be able to demonstrate critical
SPCH 101; and the Nursing program. thinking skills and a basic understanding of the com-
C. LVN-RN plex interrelationships between human kind and the
biophysical environment. Students must complete all
a. Prerequisite requirement: Current active California required courses for a minimum of 18 units.
VN licensure in good standing. REQUIRED COURSES: A minimum of 18 units from the following:
b. Required prerequisite courses: Same as Generic 1. Select courses (minimum 6 units) to satisfy each of the
ADN program. following 3 areas:
c. Coursework required for certificate/licensure: American Institutions: POL S 101.
BIOL 112, 120, 121; ENGL 101; NS 213, 214,
(Students who complete POL S 101 before Spring 2014 must also complete POL S 106).
215, 216 or 220, 217, 218 and 222; PSYCH 101,
SPCH 101. State and Local Government: POL S 106
d. A.S. graduation requirements: Same as Generic American History: ECON 111 or HIST 116; HIST 111,
ADN. 117*, 118*.