Page 73 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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70     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        MASS COMMUNICATIONS                                   MEDICAL OFFICE
        AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE

        This degree or certifi cate is designed to train students to meet   ADMINISTRATIVE MEDICAL ASSISTANT
        the need for qualifi ed public relations and other communications   This degree or certifi cate is designed to prepare the student
        professionals through instruction in nonfi ction writing, media   for employment as an administrative medical assistant in a
        production, media theory and media literacy. Students must   physician’s offi  ce or clinic including performing administra-
        complete all required core courses, and choose other courses   tive duties, communicating eff ectively with patients, applying
        from the additional courses listed to total 24 units. Program   HIPAA rules, and educating patients regarding offi  ce policies.
        Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, students   Students must complete all core courses to a total of 28 units.
        will be able to analyze and diff erentiate the primary infl uences   Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        of dominant mass media on major cultural practices and social   gram students will be able to schedule appointments, perform
        and political institutions; research and explain the historical   medical offi  ce duties, handle fi nancial matters including medi-
        infl uences of dominant communication technologies on society,   cal insurance collection, manage electronic health records and
        culture and human behavior.                           other ancillary medical records, and to complete the insurance
        REQUIRED COURSES: MCOMM/JOURN 101; JOURN 102, 103 or   and reimbursement process. The required internship in the
        104, 107; ENGL 101, 102 or 104.                       medical offi  ce of a physician’s clinic provides the student with
                                                              the administrative experience necessary to enter the workforce.
        A minimum of three units from the following courses: CABOT
        206, 208; CS/IS 123; JOURN 106; MEDIA 101, 111.       REQUIRED COURSES: MOA 180, 182, 183, 185; HIT 182, 184, 193;
        A minimum of three units from the following courses: ECON   BIOL 114; BUSAD 204, 50 (3 units).
        101; ENGL 105, 106, 109, 110, 111, 116, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128; HIST   MEDICAL CODING ASSISTANT
        140, 141; POL S 101.
                                                              This degree or certifi cate is designed to prepare the student
        MATHEMATICS                                           for a position as a medical coder in an acute care hospital, clinic
        AA DEGREE                                             or physician’s offi  ce, long-term care facility, and other health
                                                              care settings. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion
        This program prepares students for study in STEM fi elds requir-  of this program students gain competencies in the application
        ing the skills to solve applications using derivatives, integrals,
        diff erential equations, and linear algebra. Students are also   of biomedical knowledge and legal, ethical, and medical stan-
                                                              dards, the communication and analysis of statistical data and in
        prepared to transfer to baccalaureate degree programs in math-
        ematics. Students must complete all core courses to a total of 25   planning and implementation of clinical informational and data
                                                              systems. Coders ensure that valid codes are applied to medical
        units. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this
        program, students will be able to solve applications in math and   diagnoses and procedures per coding classifi cation guidelines.
                                                              They facilitate reimbursement, analyze patient outcomes, and
        science using derivatives, integrals, diff erential equations and
        linear algebra; evaluate limits, derivatives and integrals;  solve a   medical research. Due to the breadth of this multidiscipline
                                                              program, required by the industry, and AHIMA accreditation,
        variety of rudimentary and second order diff erential equations;
        and analyze, synthesize and evaluate theorems in Linear Algebra.  a higher number of units is required for this program.
                                                              REQUIRED COURSES: MOA 180, 182, 183; HIT 182, 184, 194, 193,
        REQUIRED COURSES: MATH 103, 104, 105, 107, 108.
                                                              195, 196; BIOL 114; BUSAD 50.
        AA DEGREE

        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        gram, students will demonstrate an eff ective ability to work as
        a member of a team to achieve the challenges of technical and
        conceptual goals of the project from origination to the comple-
        tion of the high quality fi nal deliverable media productions;
        demonstrate mastery of conceptual editing techniques to support
        storytelling and solving story problems through the use of edit-
        ing dialogue, sound design, music, and sound eff ects to complete
        the creation of the master for fi nal deliverables; and demonstrate
        an understanding of composition, fi lm language and lighting
        techniques to support the creative vision of the director. Students
        must complete all required courses for a total of 20 units.
        REQUIRED COURSES: ENGL 112 or JOURN 102 or MEDIA 120;
        MCOMM 101; MEDIA 101, 107, 110 and 112, 290.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78