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68     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE

        Health Information Technology Associate Degree Program   Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        (HIT) is currently not accredited through the AHIMA accreditation   gram, students will learn to describe and apply insurance con-
        process. This may aff ect employment opportunities for degree   cepts such as principles of indemnity, valued policy, and liability
        and certifi cate holders.                              limits; describe elements of a contract, insurance contracts, and
                                                              conditions commonly found in property and liability insurance
        This degree or certifi cate is designed to prepare students for a   policies; discuss loss exposures, personal risk insurance, and
        position as a Health Information Technician. Health Information   types of personal insurance policies. Students must complete
        Technicians perform computer and manual technical and orga-  all required courses for a total of 36-40 units.
        nizational activities with medical records/health information
        including collecting, analyzing, integrating, protecting, securing   REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 101; BUSAD 101, 106, 111, 112, 113,
        and managing health care information work in various health   114, 115, 116, 120, 50 (1 unit); CABOT 270; CS/IS 100 or CABOT
        care settings. HIT diff ers from Medical Offi  ce Administration   260 or 270.
        in that HIT deals with cumulative data analysis while Medical   RECOMMENDED COURSES: BUSAD 203 or 204.
        Offi  ce Administration deals with the information of one patient   INTERDISCIPLINARY HUMANITIES
        at a time. Due to the breadth of this multidisciplinary program,   AA DEGREE
        it is required by the industry, and American Health Informa-
        tion Management Association accreditation, a higher number   Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        of units is required for this program than for a standard AS   gram, students will apply literary, rhetorical, and interdisciplin-
        degree. Students must complete all required courses for a   ary studies concepts, and discipline-specifi c concepts (such as
        minimum of 42 units. Program Learning Outcomes Upon   dance or French) in order to critically read, write, think, and
        completion of this program students will analyze and commu-  research about the idea of creativity.
        nicate clinical and statistical data to improve patient care and
        facilitate fi nancial planning. Apply and demonstrate knowledge   Option: Creativity
        of legal, ethical, accreditation and certifi cation standards as   Select 6 units from: HUMAN 106, 117, 120.
        they relate to health information. Participate in planning and   Select 3 units from: HUMAN 105, 110.
        implementing clinical and administrative information systems   Select 9 units from at least 3 of the following disciplines: ANTHR
        in traditional and alternative healthcare settings. Apply federal   101; ART 150, 186; BIOL 123; DANCE 110, 115, 120, 130; ENGL
        and state mandates that regulate standards for data storage,   103, 111; ETH S 101; PHILO 116, 117; SPAN 105, 106; T ART 103,
        retrieval, retention and security procedures specifi c to the health   104, 109, 121, 123, 134.
        information management fi eld. Demonstrate the ability to work   IT TECHNICIAN II: HELP DESK USER SUPPORT
        eff ectively as an individual and collaboratively in a group to   AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE
        resolve health information management challenges in a chang-
        ing healthcare environment.                           This degree or certifi cate is the second stage of the statewide IT
                                                              Technician pathway and prepares students to further develop
        REQUIRED COURSES: MOA 180, 182; HIT 182, 184, 186, 190, 193,
        194, 195, 196, 197, 198; BIOL 114; BUSAD 50.          their IT Technician Skills. While completing the network and
                                                              server security coursework, students gain practical experience
        HEALTH SCIENCE                                        as they learn how to use Help Desk software. As student’s com-
        AA DEGREE                                             plete coursework, they are encouraged to complete the aligned
                                                              industry valued certifi cations such as CompTIA Network+,
        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-  CompTIA Security+, Microsoft Server, and Microsoft Desktop.
        gram, students will be able to identify anatomical structures   Students who have completed Stage 1 of the IT Technician
        and describe the functions of important systems in the human   pathway along with this stage are prepared for positions such
        body; be accepted to a nursing program ; and be well-prepared   as Computer User Support Specialists, Computer Network Sup-
        for courses in the nursing program or a 4-year university pro-  port Specialists, and IT retail supervisory positions. Students
        gram of their choice.                                 must complete all core courses to a total of 32 units. Program
                                                              Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, stu-
        REQUIRED COURSES: A minimum of 14 units in one of the
        following options and additional 6 elective units is required.  dents will be able to provide technical assistance to computer
                                                              users and Support Specialists to analyze, test, troubleshoot,
        Option A: BIOL 115 or BIOL 122, 120; CHEM 110 or 120.  and evaluate existing network systems and Internet systems
                                                              or a segment of a network system, and perform network main-
        Option B: BIOL 120, 121; CHEM 110 or 120.
                                                              tenance to ensure networks operate correctly with minimal
        Electives (6 units): Choose one course from each category  interruption.
        Category 1—Speech: SPCH 100, 101, 103.
        Category 2—Social Science: ANTHR 102, PSYCH 101, SOC 101.  REQUIRED COURSES: BUSAD 101, 106, 204; CABOT 260; CS/IS
                                                              101, 186, 190, 194, 196, 197.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
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