Page 75 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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72     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

        VISUAL ARTS - PHOTOGRAPHY                             CHEMISTRY
        AA DEGREE
                                                              Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this program,
        Program Learning Outcomes: The student will be profi cient in   students will be able to compare and contrast the general chem-
        black and white processing/printing; digital photography work-  istry performance exam taken at Glendale Community College
        fl ows and color; and profi cient in available light photography.   with the national performance norm, reported by the American
        The student will be able to produce a cohesive photographic   Chemical Society.
        project that is conceptually and technically well developed.
                                                              REQUIRED COURSES: PHY 110; CHEM 110; OCEAN 115 or GEOL
        REQUIRED COURSES: ART 199; PHOTO 101, 106, 130.       101; ASTRO 110 or 120; CHEM 101 and 102.
        Minimum of 4 units from: PHOTO 107, 118, 140, 142.    EARTH SCIENCE
        RECOMMENDED COURSES: PHOTO 103, 115, 121, 145.
                                                              Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this program,
        PHYSICAL SCIENCE                                      students will be able to apply scientifi c method of thinking to
        AA DEGREE
                                                              analyze and critically evaluate relevant literature and informa-
        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-  tion, and the use of evidence for support; communicate eff ectively
        gram, students will be able to explain the diff erence between   in a variety of ways, such as scientifi c writing, visualization of
        evidence and theory in science and cite an example in their   data and ideas, or through oral communication; solve quantita-
        explanation; use instruments and computers to accurately   tive problems, analyze results from data and measurements,
        measure, graph, and analyze physical properties (these instru-  form hypotheses from data, test hypotheses; recognize the
        ments will include calipers, micrometers, mass balances, spec-  interdisciplinary nature of science and enjoy the process of
        trometers, interferometers, and digital oscilloscopes depending   learning science.
        upon which courses the student had taken); interface computers   REQUIRED COURSES: PHY 110; CHEM 110; OCEAN 115 or GEOL
        and sensors using digital conversion technology and the Data   101; ASTRO 110 or 120; GEOL 102 and OCEAN 116 or GEOL
        Studio Software package to perform experiments in mechanics,   111 or GEOL 112.
        electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and chemistry
        REQUIRED COURSES: A minimum of 18 units from at least two of
        the following 3 categories:                           Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this program,
        Category 1: PHYS 101, 102, 103, 105, 106              students will be able to explain the diff erence between evidence
        Category 2: CHEM 101, 102, 103, 105, 106              and theory in science and cite an example in their explanation;
        Category 3: ASTRO 102, 103, 110, 120;                 use instruments and computers to accurately measure, graph,
                     GEOL 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 111, 112, 120;   and analyze physical properties (these instruments will include
                     OCEAN 115, 116; PALEO 101.               calipers, micrometers, mass balances, spectrometers, interferom-
                                                              eters, and digital oscilloscopes depending upon which courses
        PHYSICAL SCIENCE                                      the student had taken); interface computers and sensors using
        AS DEGREE                                             digital conversion technology and the Data Studio Software
                                                              package to perform experiments in mechanics, electricity and
        The Physical Science AS degree provides the students with a   magnetism, thermodynamics, and chemistry.
        solid foundation of Physical sciences with emphasis either in
        Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, or Earth Science. The Program   REQUIRED COURSES: PHY 110; CHEM 110; OCEAN 115 or GEOL
        emphasizes critical thinking, data analysis, and problem-  101; ASTRO 110 or 120; PHY 105 and 106.
        solving in its approach to learning. Students understand and
        demonstrate the scientifi c laws and theories and the applications
        thereof, in their chosen emphasis. Students must complete all
        required courses for a minimum of 18-24 units.

        Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro-
        gram, students will be able to identify, compare and contrast
        physical properties of astronomical objects; visualize the general
        structure and scale of the universe and our place within it; locate,
        identify and contrast prominent astronomical objects in the
        night sky; identify and comprehend the purpose of elementary
        equations used in astronomy and describe the functions; use of
        basic astronomical tools.
        REQUIRED COURSES: PHY 110; CHEM 110; OCEAN 115 or GEOL
        101; ASTRO 110 or 120; 102 and 110 or 120.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80