Page 80 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 80
Non-Degree Certificate Programs 77
Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro- The certifi cate in Creative Writing Program provides a compre-
gram, the student will be able to analyze a programming task/ hensive foundation in the study and practice of Creative Writing.
problem; based on that analysis, design and implement an This certifi cate also meets the needs of those in the community
object oriented program using multiple classes in a high level who wish to express their imagination, think critically, or enter
language; and demonstrate the ability to independently create, the job market in fi elds that require knowledge of critical think-
save, modify and print a document using a word processing ing and writing principles. Students develop competency in the
program and appropriate assistive technology. ability to write clearly and thoughtfully, as well as to revise their
written work. Additionally, students gain advanced reading and
REQUIRED COURSES: CABOT 102; CS/IS 101, 112, 130, 135, 137, 139.
comprehension skills, and are exposed to multi-cultural texts
COMPUTER SUPPORT TECHNICIAN and resources. Students must complete all required courses
for a minimum of 18 units. Program Learning Outcomes:
Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this pro- Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to
gram, the student will demonstrate an understanding of com- demonstrate increased reading and writing comprehension of
puter structure and operations. Students will possess a basic English. Demonstrate creative and critical thinking as it applies
knowledge of computer operation and capabilities with the skills to writing and reading. Demonstrate increased knowledge the
to troubleshoot problems or aid in user support. principles of Creative Writing.
172, 190. REQUIRED COURSES: ENGL 102, 103, 123
Three units from the following: ENGL 110, 111, 117, 127;
RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: CABOT 206 or 208. Six units from the following: ENGL 112, 212, ENGL 114, 115,
118; T ARTS 155.
This certifi cate is designed to train students in the major com-
puterized accounting packages in demand by local employers. This certifi cate of completion will be awarded to a student
Mastery of these types of programs will provide the founda- who completes the general education requirements (totaling 39
tion necessary for students to understand and adapt to other units) as stated on page 90 of this catalog. After completing all
programs which may be utilized in small to mid-sized busi- requirements, students must request CSU Breadth certifi cation
nesses. Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this to be posted to their offi cial GCC transcript by submitting the
program, the student will be able to understand accounting Transcript Request form to the Admissions & Records Offi ce.
terms and uses as they apply to business. Knowledge of fi nan- For Program Learning Outcomes please see page 89 in the
cial statements and their importance to a business, vendors, GCC catalog
creditors and customers; be able to utilize a windows operating
system; understand basic computer terminologies; and become DIGITAL CONTENT SPECIALIST
familiar with Global information systems; to be able to sign on This certifi cate will provide the creative and technical skills to
to an account and use common utilities, including e-mail and create, edit, optimize, and distribute digital content including
Web browsers, and searching a variety of databases for informa- web graphics, photographic images, and video. Completers
tion; set-up and process a company’s accounting information will be able to develop, deploy, and manage web servers and
and Payroll System through the use of computers; and develop optimize digital content for deployment on client side websites.
advanced skills in assorted accounting software. The program will provide the employment skills required for
REQUIRED COURSES: ACCTG 110, 120, 121, 130, 180. Digital Content Creators, Digital Content Management while
providing skills to support Photographers, Graphic Designers
and Video Editors. Students must complete all required core
courses for a total of 25 units. Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the required coursework, the
student will be able to design, create, and manage webpages
using current software and technology; create an industry-ready
motion graphic animation; produce, optimize, and distribute
industry-ready image, video and audio content, for the Web and
mobile devices; produce, optimize and distribute industry-ready
images for the Web; create and manage a client-side Website
and server; create, modify, organize, and upload Web-specifi c
fi les to a server; create databases and tables in SQL (Structured
Query Language) database.
REQUIRED COURSES ART 134, 220, 251; CS/IS 260, 261;
MEDIA 103, 105; PHOTO 130.