Page 79 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
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76     2019-2020 Catalog—GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

                           CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS - NON-DEGREE

        Certifi cate Programs are primarily business and technical   BUSINESS INFORMATION WORKER (BIW)
        programs for students desiring education beyond high
        school. These programs provide opportunities for students   The Business Information Worker (BIW) Certifi cate of Achieve-
        to prepare themselves for a wide variety of careers. In   ment is designed to prepare students for entry-level offi  ce and
        most cases these programs are planned without regard to   administrative support in a variety of job positions, including
        transfer schools; however, many courses are transferable to   general offi  ce clerks, retail salespersons, customer service rep-
        four-year colleges or universities if students change their   resentatives, receptionists, and information clerks, hospitality
        educational goals.                                    and tourism, fi nancial services and real estate. Students can be
        1. Certifi cates of Achievement shall be issued upon request   expected to learn the following: Basic oral and written commu-
           by the Offi  ce of Admissions and Records to students who   nications, Basic computer application skills, including beginning
           qualify by completing one of the occupation-centered   Excel, Word, and Outlook, The fundamentals of computer sys-
           curriculums. The student must have a grade of “C’’ or   tems, Critical thinking and problem solving skills, Construct and
           better in all courses constituting the certifi cate program.  modify solutions to very simple personal, educational or busi-
        2.  To earn a certifi cate, students must complete the number   ness needs applying use of offi  ce workplace computer programs.
           of units required by the division. No certifi cate shall   With a solid foundation in Microsoft Windows and Microsoft
           consist of less than 12 semester units.            Offi  ce, as well as strong digital and web literacy skills, students
        3.  At least 12 units of the required courses must be com-  will be better prepared to meet the workforce demands of today’s
           pleted at Glendale Community College; therefore, to   business environment. Students must complete all required
           earn a certifi cate that requires 12 units, all courses must   courses to total 22 units.  Program Learning Outcomes:
           be completed at GCC.                               Upon successful completion of the Certifi cate of Achievement in
        4.  Students pursuing certifi cate programs of less than 16   Business Information Worker, students will be able to: produce
                                                              basic business correspondence and reports with appropriate
           units are not eligible for fi nancial aid.
        The following certifi cates do not satisfy the major requirements for an AA/AS degree.  formatting using Word; maintain an offi  ce calendar for one or
                                                              more individuals; develop simple spreadsheets with charting;
        AVIATION AND TRANSPORTATION—                          discuss computer equipment and programming system needs;
        FLIGHT ATTENDANT                                      troubleshoot basic computer problems; communicate, make
                                                              informed decisions, and handle personnel problems in offi  ce
        The Flight Service-Airline and Travel Careers program prepares   environments
        men and women of all ages to compete for positions available as
        fl ight attendants in the airline and travel industry. As training   REQUIRED COURSES: BUSAD 106, 110; CABOT 205, 208, 265, 270,
        progresses, students perform volunteer service at area airports   285; CS/IS 100.
        to gain invaluable public personal contact experience. Students   CINEMATOGRAPHY AND EDITING
        must complete all required courses to total 24 units. Program
        Learning Outcomes: Students will demonstrate skills required   Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this
        to seek and obtain employment as a fl ight attendant; identify   program, students will demonstrate an eff ective ability to
        and assess behavior patterns associated with panic; demonstrate   work as a member of a team to achieve the challenges of
        knowledge of location and use of aircraft emergency equipment,   technical and conceptual goals of the project from origina-
        and demonstrate skills required during emergency evacuation   tion to the completion of the high quality fi nal deliverable
        of aircraft.                                          media productions; demonstrate mastery of conceptual
                                                              editing techniques to support storytelling and solving
        REQUIRED COURSES: AT 129, 130, 132, 137, 138; HLTH 102;
        BUSAD 152; GEOG 101.                                  story problems through the use of editing dialogue, sound
                                                              design, music, and sound eff ects to complete the creation
                                                              of the master for  fi nal deliverables; and demonstrate an
                                                              understanding of composition, fi lm language and lighting
                                                              techniques to support the creative vision of the director.
                                                              REQUIRED COURSES: ENGL 112; MEDIA 103, 107, 110, 112, 213,
                                                              290; PHOTO 121.
                                                              Select at least three units from the following: ART 210, 220;
                                                              MEDIA 105; PHOTO 106, 130; T ART 100.

        2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84