Page 76 - 2019-20 GCC Catalog
P. 76

Associate in Arts/Science Degrees         73

            REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL                                 REGISTERED NURSING
            AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE

            In the Real Estate curriculum, the California Offi  ce of Real Estate   Program Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this
            Appraisal (OREA) determines the courses required to attain an   program, students will be able to demonstrate the cognitive
            appraisal license, including: 1) Trainee License, 2) Residential   skills necessary to integrate the nursing concepts learned in
            License, and 3) Certifi ed Residential Licenses. Many of these   a two year ADN program, including clinical evidence-based
            courses are also applicable to the salesperson’s or broker’s license   concepts inherent in entry level registered nursing practice;
            of the California Department of Real Estate (DRE). In certain   demonstrate cognitive skills necessary to integrate the nursing
            cases, courses can be used for both OREA and DRE require-  concepts learned in the fi rst year of the ADN program; and
            ments. (See the Real Estate Broker Certifi cate). Program Learning   demonstrate the psychomotor skills necessary to integrate the
            Outcomes: Students will be able to apply the basic principles and   nursing concepts learned in a two year ADN program, includ-
            procedures used in valuing residential properties. They will be   ing clinical evidence-based concepts inherent in entry level
            able to choose the appropriate method to determine value for a   registered nursing practice. Glendale College off ers programs
            specifi c property, estimate gross income and calculate expenses   leading to a certifi cate or degree in Registered Nursing (RN).
            for income producing property and meet Appraisal Qualifi ca-  The program of study of the Department of Nursing is approved
            tions Board (AQB) licensing requirements for fi lling out forms   by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN). Students
            and completing the USPAP form.                        will be able to demonstrate the cognitive skills necessary to
                                                                  integrate the nursing concepts learned in a two year ADN pro-
            REQUIRED COURSES: RE 101, 130, 140, 150, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165.  gram, including clinical evidence-based concepts inherent in
            A minimum of three units must be selected from the fol-  entry level registered nursing practice. Students will be able to
            lowing to complete a total of 29 units: ACCTG 101 or 110;   demonstrate cognitive skills necessary to integrate the nursing
            BUSAD 120; RE 180, 190, 195, 250.
                                                                  concepts learned in the fi rst year of the ADN program. Students
            REAL ESTATE BROKER                                    will be able to demonstrate the psychomotor skills necessary
            AS DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE                              to integrate the nursing concepts learned in a two-year ADN
                                                                  program, including clinical evidence-based concepts inherent in
            In the Real Estate curriculum, special attention is given to the   entry level registered nursing practice. For further information
            California license requirements. A student must take the Real   visit the website at
            Estate Principles course (RE 101), a Real Estate Practice course
            (RE 120), and one other real estate course before taking the   I.   PROGRAMS
            state examination. An applicant for the broker’s license must   A.  GENERIC ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING (ADN) PROGRAM
            have taken the eight (8) real estate courses required for this   This curriculum qualifi es the student for an Associate in
            Real Estate Certifi cate before taking the California State Broker   Science degree with a major in Nursing. Graduates are
            Examination. Students will develop a clear action plan to launch   eligible to apply for the national licensing examination
            a successful real estate career upon graduation. Program Learn-  (NCLEX-RN) and RN licensure in California.
            ing Outcomes: Upon completion of this program, students will   B.  ADVANCED PLACEMENT OPTIONS (LVN-RN)
            be able to develop a clear action plan to launch a successful   Plans A and B provide advanced placement access into
            real estate career after graduation; and meet the requirements   the RN curriculum for the LVN whose license is active
            necessary to take and pass the California Department of Real   and in good standing in California.
            Estate Brokers licensing exam.                              1.  PLAN A—CAREER LADDER
            REQUIRED COURSES: RE 101, 120, 130, 140, 150, 162 or 163.     Qualifi es the student for an AS degree with a major in
            A minimum of six units from the following courses: ACCTG      Nursing. Graduates are eligible to apply for the national
            101 or 110; BUSAD 120; RE 161, 164, 180, 190, 195, 250.       licensing examination (NCLEX-RN) and RN licensure
            NOTE: After completing all 24.5 units required for this certifi cate, a Real Estate   in California.
             Internship course is recommended.                          2.  PLAN B—30 UNIT OPTION
                                                                          Qualifi es the student to meet the BRN requirements
                                                                          for eligibility to apply for the licensing examination
                                                                          and licensure in California. (NCLEX-RN). The student
                                                                          receives a certifi cate of completion but is not considered
                                                                          a graduate of Glendale College or the Department of
                                                                          Nursing. A license obtained through this option may
                                                                          not qualify the graduate for licensure by endorsement
                                                                          in other states.
                                                                  NOTE: The BRN may deny a license regulated by the Business and Profes-
                                                                  sional Code, Section 480, on such grounds as: being convicted of a crime, acts
                                                                  of dishonesty, fraud or deceit, abuse of vulnerable populations, etc. Refer to
                                                                  the Department of Nursing for further information.

            2019–2020 C A T ALOG  • G LEND ALE                                 C OMMUNITY             C OLLEGE
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81