Science Labs - Accommodations




clip art of man in wheelchair working at drafting table


  • Provide a lab assistant or lab partner,

  • Provide adjustable tables to allow for wheelchair usage (the CSD can help with this),

  • Place utility and equipment controls within easy reach for a wheelchair user,

  • Place all lab equipment within easy reach,

  • Keep aisles clear with sufficient room to maneuver a wheelchair,

  • Keep lab layout uncluttered,

  • Give preferential seating to avoid obstacles and classroom barriers that hinder visual access to  demonstrations,

  • Enlarge screen demonstrations,

  • Offer c-clamps for holding objects,

  • Offer surgical gloves for handling wet or slippery items,

  • Supply beakers and other equipment with handles or made out of plastic,

  • Give extended eye pieces so students who use wheelchairs can use microscopes,

  •  Offer alternate lab storage methods.