Case Study:  Roberta and Writing Assignments




My name is Roberta and I’m studying psychology. I’m hoping to transfer to Cal State Northridge and get a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Counseling.


I have quadriplegia (sometimes referred to in recent years as tetraplegia) and I use a power wheelchair. I also have very limited functional use of my arms and hands.


Access Issues:


Exams and papers take me a long time and I’m often exhausted. It’s pretty hard for me to hold a pen or pencil for a long time.


Although I have a power wheelchair, it still takes me a long time to get from class to class. I take a ride service called Access but they are often late for my pick up.

abstract clip art of woman in wheelchair


Sometimes, the mechanical doors into buildings don’t work and I have to wait for someone to come and open the door.


So, even though I leave for school at least an hour ahead of my classes, I am still often late. Then, I have to squeeze my wheelchair into whatever available spot is left in the classroom.



I’m getting farther and farther behind in my assignments. I study and study for my tests but I hardly ever get to finish them.  Maybe I should just drop out of classes.





If Roberta were in your class, what are some possible accommodations that could be put in place for her? Especially, in terms of writing assignments and tests?