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K  Timed test trouble.  They don’t think well under pressure, get distracted by any movement in the room, and run out of time before they can get their thoughts down.


K  Poor note taking.  They can’t write and listen at the same time.  The instructor goes too fast.  It takes too long to copy things from the board.


K  Poor readers.  It takes forever to read an assignment.  They have to start a paragraph over several  times.  They get to the end and have already forgotten the beginning.


K  Syllabus challenged.  They don’t know how to use it.  They don’t know where it is, don’t know how to read it, don’t know test dates or assignment due dates, don’t know their grade.


K  Low self-esteem, highly self-conscious.  Reluctant to try anything new, after a lengthy history of failure.


The presence of these characteristics does not necessarily denote a learning disability, and every student with learning disabilities displays different characteristics.  The salient factor is inconsistencies in performance that cannot be otherwise explained.  If you see a lot of these characteristics in a student or you see one or two that are glaring, a learning disability may be the source of the problem.