What is it like to have a learning disability?



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The following are excerpts taken from the files of a few of our students with learning disabilities.


“At high school I was a horrible student, I DIDN’t CARE.  I would Banter with my teachers At SO they DECIDED to put ME Into RSP.  I can REMEMBER know so much more than my History teacher.  But throughout ALL of This I was a BAD READER.  I Left and went into the Marine Corp.  I had some Authority problems and Depression.

     My Educational Goals ARE to get my BA IN Philosophy AND my MD in Neurology.  I hope to Expaned the sciences in Metaphysics; Epistomology and quantum-machinics in Neurology.  I Also hope to Disprove the ExistENCE of the soul.”


     “I remember public school teachers who ridiculed and screamed at students.  I remember nuns in parochial school who were far worse, seeming to go out of their way to degradate and humiliate their students.  Since I already felt stupid and unable to learn, their behavior simply reinforced my belief about myself.

     In elementary school, I was instructed to stop using my fingers to count.  I could not count without using my fingers, so I hid what I was doing, terrified I would be caught.

     I high school, I was encouraged to ask questions, only to be told my question was stupid and that I belonged in a play pen.  Throughout school, I felt that I was held in contempt by teachers as well as classmates.  I felt ashamed of who I was and of my stupidity.

     Only now, after years of effort spent in trying to overcome the negative lessons I was taught by my parents and teachers do I believe I am smart and capable.  Wth the exception of math, I have accomplished every goal I have set for myself.  I am Tenacious.  I will read, study, and try until I meet my goal.  While enrolled in the PACE program at Glendale College, my classmates teased me about being an over achiever and a nerd.  Those words were music to my ears.  Reading comes easily to me and I can write well.  Math is difficult and I panic when I don’t immediately understand the concept.  I know that I have the ability to learn and that I will find ways to adapt until I accomplish what I set out to do.”