Characteristics Common to Students with Learning Disabilities


closeup image of computer keyboard

Essentially, what we are looking for is inconsistencies in performance.  Here are some LD-characteristic behaviors that you might see in your classroom:


K  Oral vocabulary is much more sophisticated than written vocabulary.  Often this is because their spelling is so poor, they are limited to using smaller words on essays and tests.


K  Great ideas, very creative, but they don’t put their ideas on paper in an organized form.


K  Poor memory.  They know something one day, and then it’s gone the next.  They study hard, but when they get to the test they draw a blank.


K  Difficulty with directions.  Either they don’t read them correctly, get confused when there are too many steps, or forget what they are supposed to do.


K  Poor organization.  They’re often late, or completely forget appointments.  They jot notes all over, and then can’t find where they wrote them.  If they have a 3-ring binder, they probably don’t put their papers in it.