max doubt







Max Dout

It’s quite apparent from the first day of class that there is something different about Max Dout.  You suspect that he may be autistic, as Max totally lacks social skills.  He constantly speaks out of turn, sometimes talking over other students.  The only volume level he uses is loud.  He makes inappropriate comments, completely lacks candor, monopolizes the conversation, and has alienated the entire class within a few weeks.   How do you respond?


A.  You have the right to expect the same standard of behavior from students with disabilities as from other students.  If Max does not adhere to the GCC Student Code of Conduct, you will refer him to the Dean of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.


B.  Autism is a neurological disorder.  Max can not help the way he is; don’t you think he would prefer to be like everyone else?  The other students need to learn tolerance for diversity.


C.  Max Dout has the right to an education.  You tell Max that he doesn’t have to come to class and you put in the extra effort to communicate with him via email.  There’s a creative solution to every situation.


D.    Email a preferred response to shoehn.