And the answer is…….                  Cartoon teacher lecturing


You’re right; there isn’t a whole lot we can do to change the classroom environment.  We’re kind of stuck with the horrible lighting, the smelly labs, the horrendous acoustics.


The first step toward resolution is educating yourself about the difficulties experienced by the student with ASD.  And that’s what you’re doing right now, so congrats!


By understanding the additional stressors being placed on the student by the environment, you can empathize with how difficult it is to maintain concentration.


And you will be more amenable to adjustments like allowing the student preferential seating.  By meeting privately with Laurie, together you can ascertain what the optimal position would be. 


For instance, would she be better off seated by the window or an open door, in order to take advantage of any natural lighting or fresh air?  Or would this be even more distracting? 


Perhaps Laurie could wear a hat in class, in order to reduce the effects of the flickering lights.  You could suggest this.