Student hiding behind her hand        Laurie Learner’s Response 


Sensory issues are real, like the flickering of a fluorescent light, like the buzz on a fluorescent light, like the drone of fan on an overhead projector, like a classroom which has a musty or mildew smell, or the chemical smell of overly strong cleaners.


It takes a lot of effort to maintain concentration in the face of sensory issues, and I can be exhausted afterwards.



Question 2.  In order to accommodate Laurie you would….

A.     Put in a work order to have the fluorescent lights replaced.

B.     Discontinue the use of lights, fans, and overhead projectors.

C.    Get to class ahead of time so you can spray the room with Febreeze.

D.    None of this is under my control.  I only work here.  You’re on your own, Sister!