Discrimination-Proofing Your Classroom


Now that you have a better understanding of the types of challenges these students may face in your classroom, you are no doubt wondering what you can do to adjust your classroom in order to mitigate the impact of the functional limitations of ASD in that environment. 


The number one answer to that question is this:


Consult with the Disabled Students Programs and Services!


DSPS staff picture


It is our job to remain knowledgeable of current federal, state, and local disability laws and mandates.  We accept the responsibility of adhering to established professional practice in determining what is a reasonable academic adjustment. 


Please do not assume that you automatically have to provide every accommodation asked for by a student.  Not everything they ask for is a fair and reasonable accommodation.


This is what we tell our students:  “If you want an accommodation, you need to ask a DSPS specialist or counselor to approve it first.  Do not approach your instructor until you have that approval."


But guess what?  They don’t always listen to/comprehend/obey us.  Can you imagine that?


If a student approaches you and asks for an accommodation, please send them to talk to their counselor or specialist first.