Even Numbers


Your total on these can give you an idea of how well you are going to be able to tolerate a student on the spectrum in your classroom.  Though no one student is going to exhibit all of these behaviors, even one or two can be problematic, if they bother you enough.



A score of 1 to 10

You have the patience of a saint; either that, or you’re a zombie.  It is a fortunate student with ASD that lands in your class.  Now all you have to do is pay attention to how much the student is affecting the learning experience of your other students.


A score of 11 to 20

You’re pretty human.  You’re sensitive to the diversity of learners in your classroom but hey, you can only take so much. 


A score of 21 to 30

Hoo boy; you’re kind of a hothead, huh?  You’re going to be challenged trying to maintain your sanity if you have a student with ASD in your classroom, and will definitely want to solicit assistance from the Disabled Students folks.  We know how irritating some of these student behaviors can be; we work with them all the time.  We’re here to help.