Odd Numbers


Your total on these can give you an indication of how well you would do as a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder.



A score of 1 to 10

Your sensory sensitivity is relatively mild, not much different from that of a neurotypical student.  You can probably pay attention pretty well in class, without being distracted by your environment.


A score of 11 to 20

You have a more heightened sensitivity to sensory input.  You will probably have difficulty maintaining your concentration throughout an entire class period.


A score of 21 to 30

You are hyper-sensitive to sights, sounds, touch and/or smells.  The flickering of the fluorescent lights gives you a headache, and the perfume of the student next to you is making you nauseous, and the echo in the room makes it hard to understand the instructor, and the sound of the air conditioning is grating on your nerves, and your clothing is scratching your skin.  Now pay attention; you need to learn statistics.