Degree of Hearing Loss


This refers to the severity of the loss. The table below shows one of the more commonly used classification systems.  The numbers are representative of the patients’ hear loss range in decibels (dB HL).  (Decibels are units to measure sound levels.)



Degree of hearing loss

Hearing loss range (dB HL)


–10 to 15


16 to 25


26 to 40


41 to 55

Moderately severe

56 to 70


71 to 90



Source: Clark, J. G. (1981). Uses and abuses of hearing loss classification.Asha, 23, 493–500.



Mild hearing loss:

Speech can be difficult to understand, especially if background noises are present.


Moderate hearing loss:

A hearing aid may be required.


Severe hearing loss:

Hearing aids are useful in some cases, but are inadequate in others. Some individuals with severe hearing loss communicate principally through sign language; others rely on lip-reading techniques.


Profound hearing loss:

Like those with severe hearing loss, some individuals with profound hearing loss communicate principally through sign language; others rely on lip-reading techniques.