If you find that you have a student with mobility impairments in your class, what can you do to assist this student and assure that your class is accessible?

Here are some ideas that faculty at other universities and community colleges have found useful. 

Many of these accommodations can be implemented by working with the Center for Students with Disabilities.  Contact us!


woman in wheelchair working at a blackboard



Basic Classroom/Campus Accommodations –

for Students with Mobility Impairments



  • Glendale Community College is committed to providing an accessible campus environment.  However, as an instructor, if you see or encounter problems- do alert the Center for Students with Disabilities.  We can assist with this.


  • Arrange your classrooms with wide aisles and uncluttered work areas.


  • Provide preferential and accessible seating for students using wheelchairs, etc.


  • Provide your course materials in alternative electronic format. The Center for Students with Disabilities can assist you with this!


  • The Center for Students with Disabilities may be able to provide computers equipped with alternate input software (speech recognition software) or devices (alternate keyboards).


  • Offer extended time on exams or alternate testing accommodations.


  • Make sure all equipment is located within easy reach.


  • If tardiness is an issue for a mobility impaired student, refer the student to the Center for Students with Disabilities.  We can provide tram services to help the student getting to classes on time.


  • Refer the student to the Center for Students with Disabilities regarding access to handicapped parking, wheelchair ramps, curb cuts, restrooms and elevators.


  • When speaking to a student in a wheelchair for more than a few minutes, move back or sit down to provide a more comfortable angle for conversation.


  • Do not hang or lean on a person’s wheelchair.


  • Partnering a student with a mobility impairment with other students in the classroom can assist with social integration and improved study skills.