Group Study Rooms Policies


Group Study rooms are intended as a place for students to work and study together. They are not intended for either individual study or socializing.

Who can reserve rooms?

Only current GCC students with a valid GCC email address ( may reserve rooms for group study. All group study rooms are also available on a first come, first served basis; however, group study room users without reservations must leave when a group arrives with a valid reservation.

How do I reserve a group study room?

Group Study Rooms may only be reserved through our online reservation system at: You will receive an email requiring you to confirm your reservation. You must confirm the reservation within 30 minutes to complete the reservation process.

When can we reserve the room?

Rooms may be reserved one week in advance.

How many people do we need once we arrive at our room?

Your group must consist of at least 2 people for Rooms 303-312 and a minimum of 4 people for Rooms 403-404. The student who made the reservation must be part of the group.

Do we need to check in at the Circulation Desk? 

No.  Go directly to your study room at the time of your reservation

How long can we have the room for?

Rooms are reserved in one-half hour time slots. Groups are limited to 4 time slots per day. Groups may stay beyond their reserved time if no one else has reserved the room at that time.


You will receive an email confirming your reservation that includes a link you can use to cancel your reservation. The rooms are very popular, so please cancel your reservation if your plans change


Please share these rooms in the spirit of cooperation. If a problem arises, we are here to help. Please contact Circulation or Reference if you need assistance.

Usage Policies

  • Reservations have priority. If you are using a group study room without a valid reservation, you must leave when asked by a group with a valid reservation.
  • Lights must remain on at all times.
  • Talk quietly as rooms are not sound-proof.
  • Students alone in study rooms may be asked to leave.
  • Study room and library policies must be followed at all times.


Last Updated 1/12/15 jw

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