Class XXII graduate Tim Van Stralen being sworn in as the newest member of the City of Arcadia Fire Department.
He graduated Class XXII from the Verdugo Fire Academy.
Strong work Firefighter Van Stralen. Keep a positive attitude and good work ethic as you did during the VFA, and you will not have a problem with probation.
The City of Arcadia has a strong firefighter in hiring Tim Van Stralen.
Cadet Van Stralen from Class XXII explains why he picked Verdugo Fire
Academy, over the other academies offered in the Southern California area
around Los Angeles.
First he said it was the amount of hours of training, over 900 which is beneficial to hands on learning and retaining information.
He liked the Diverse instructors from many of the Area C departments which gives varying insights and experience in the many fields.
The Verdugo Fire Academy has many advantages over a traditional full time academy, see what else Former Cadet Van Stralen has to say here.
XIX graduate Thomas explains why he choose VFA over the other
acadamies in the Southern California area.
He started by mentioning he liked the part time nature, which allowed him to hold a job but still train to become a fire fighter.
He mentioned the instructors from all over the Southern California area
Then he finished off with the ability to earn multiply certificates. Check out everythng he has to say here.
Cadet Moroshan from Class XVIII explains what differentiates Verdugo Fire
Academy, over the other academies offered in the Southern California area
around Los Angeles.
First he said it was the amount of hours of training, over 920 which is beneficial to hands on learning.
Diverse instructors from many Area C departments which give varying experiences and expertise in the fields.
Last is the friendships you will cultivate over the course of the time spent in the academy which encompasses a whole year.
The Verdugo Fire Academy has many advantages over a traditional full time academy, see what else Former Cadet Moroshan has to say here.
I graduated the VFA in January 2012 as a Husband, father of three children, business owner, and sole provider for my family financially. I have a home with a mortgage and responsibilities.
The Verdugo Fire Academy allowed me to successfully receive my FF1 cert; I accomplished this while running my business full-time for the entire year of 2011. It was one of the most challenging years of my life yet, the VFA cadre prepared me to reach my dream.
November 2012 I was hired as a full-time professional Firefighter with the Oxnard Fire Department. I LOVE IT!
If you have a dream or passion for becoming a firefighter the VFA can help. The instructors are knowledgeable and passionate. We received amazing training that allowed me to excel in my Fire Department Academy. The VFA built my confidence in my skills and helped me prepare physically and mentally.
The cadre helped me with interviews, testing, and the entire process. I owe a debt of gratitude to the instructors that paved the way for me to fulfill my dream of getting hired. The day my wife pinned my badge was one of the most memorable days of my life and I couldn't have done it without the Verdugo Fire Academy.
Firefighter / Hazardous Materials Specialist - Oxnard Fire Department