A Compliance Checklist


*   Stand by academic standards and freedoms, which include full and equitable access to academic programs.


*   Provide verbal and written notice to your students of your willingness to accommodate. For example: "I encourage students with disabilities to discuss accommodations with me."


*  Communicate clear and concise expectations for performance to your students.


*   Distinguish between essential and non-essential components of the course.


*    Respect requests for reasonable accommodations.


*    Permit students to use auxiliary aides and technologies that ensure access (examples: note takers, sign language interpreters, readers, scribes, audio recorders/players, assistive listening devices).


*   Assure that your course materials, whether printed or electronic, are accessible and available in alternative formats (examples: Braille, computer electronic text, large print, internet, CD/DVD).


*   Consult with DSPS if you have questions when a student requests accommodations.


*   Keep student disability-related information strictly confidential.