Q. CONFIDENTIALITY: Is the information regarding a student's disability and her need for academic accommodations confidential?


A. Privacy of student information, including that regarding student's disabilities or accommodation needs, should be handled according to guidelines of FERPA, the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Personal information of this nature should only be shared with those people within the institution who have an educational need-to-know. 




Q. ANNOUNCEMENT: How can I encourage students with disabilities to talk with me about their accommodations?


A. GCC’s Academic Senate made the sage decision to adopt a disability statement, and mandate that it be included on every instructor’s syllabus.  The statement is as follows, “All students with disabilities requiring accommodations are responsible for making arrangements in a timely manner through the Center for Students with Disabilities."

This statement sends a message to the students that GCC instructors are knowledgeable and accepting of learning diversity.  In addition to the statement you can announce at the beginning of a course that you are available to discuss instructional methods and appropriate course modifications with students who have disabilities.