Max Doubt




Max Doubt

A correct response to this scenario lies somewhere in the middle of the answer choices.  Yes, Max does have the right to an education.  And no, Max is not deliberately being belligerent and disruptive.  Nonetheless, students with disabilities must be held responsible for interacting in an appropriate manner, just like everyone else.


Being the consummate professional you are, you would undoubtedly want to give Max a fair chance to complete your course.  You could ask Max to meet with him and his CSD Counselor.  Together, you may be able to identify strategies to help modify in-class behavior. 


For instance, you could perhaps work out a signal to let Max know when his behavior needs to be put in check.  Also, meeting with him privately for a few minutes after class and reviewing his days’ performance could be valuable feedback for him. 


Allowing Max to take the class via email would be inappropriate, of course, since it’s not an equal opportunity.