Managing Environmental Factors           Cartoon of teacher screaming at student 


  • Work with the student to identify a location in the classroom where there is the least environmental interference, whether that be in the front row, near or away from a window or door, etc.

  • Allow the student to wear a hat, hoodie, sunglasses, earplugs, or other devices that reduce the amount of distracting stimuli.

  • Allow the student sensory items that reduce stress.  These may include a squeeze ball, heavy rubber band, or a familiar and comforting object.

  • The student may prefer a heavy backpack on his lap to provide sensory input.

  • Be sure you can be heard.  Keep your language concise.  Speak at a comfortable pace.

  • Do not expect them to read between the lines, understand abstract concepts like sarcasm, or know what you mean by using facial expression only.