Lastly Leonard                  Student working on laptop


I think it would be helpful for professors to know that the student may have social problems and it’d be best to not randomly call on them and also to assign groups, rather than having the student fend for themselves.  I think this is more social anxiety based rather than ASD-based.


I don’t know how you can separate social anxiety from ASD but, go on…


I take all online classes in college and I wish my professors would understand that I’m not intentionally trying to come off as a smart-ass or intentionally trying to “get a reaction” out of people.  It’s driving me insane how many times my professors have called me “too honest” or “blunt” (in a bad way), insulting, insensitive, offensive, etc… Then again, I’ve not signed up for disability/accommodations so they don’t know about my social problems, but saying anything just seems like an excuse…


Okay; wow.  How’s this as a recipe for disaster?


Too often, students will fail to self-identify as having a disability.  They attempt to ‘pass as normal’ in the hopes of avoiding the stigma, the embarrassment, the feeling they are getting advantages they don’t deserve.  But what a setup this is for Leonard’s professors, to be left uninformed as to the nature of his difficulties.  They are left to assume he is being deliberately inappropriate over and over and over. 


I understand people who don’t have these mental problems can never understand what it’s like to have problems, so I feel like it’s best to just let the student be…I’d rather be alone than have to work with people.


So, instead of accepting himself for who he is, and seeking assistance for his difficulties, Leonard chooses to withdraw.  Tsk.