clip art of a man's face seeing a key


The key lies in your understanding of, and attitude towards learning disabilities.  When speaking privately with an individual student who you suspect of having a learning disability, try the following:

  • Ask the student to describe their educational history. Listen to determine if their difficulties are long-standing or situational.

  • Give specific examples of the reason for your suspicions.

  • Ask what they are doing, or would be willing to do, to improve their academic performance.

  • Inform the student that there are services available that address learning difficulties, helping students to be more successful.  Entice them with the possibility of receiving extra time to take exams, or specialized tutoring in math or English.

  • Offer to accompany the student to the CSD office in San Rafael for an appointment to speak with a counselor.

You may want to call the IAC and ask to speak with a Learning Disability Specialist about your suspicions, before you approach the student.  We would be happy to discuss your concerns with you and offer our advice.