The image seen on this plate is reminiscent of the Piccolpasso illustration of majolica painters at work. Here we see a majolica painter working on a plate. His subjects are seated near him and indicate that is was not uncommon for artists to use live models, and also showing the artist just as richly dressed as his subjects. His bowls of paint are to his right on the low table, and he has a protective towel draped over his lap to prevent spoiling his clothes with any drips. On the low bench in the foreground and under the table with paints are several finished pieces. The female subject looks expectantly towards the artist, while the male subject does not appear to be too happy with the entire procedure, and seems to glance impatiently to his side. The classic polychrome majolica palette is in play on this plate, and one wonders if the artist who painted this plate was depicting himself at work. This plate is in the collection of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. | Majolica painter at work with subjects, Cafaggiolo, circa 1510 CE |