The Earthenware class will explore the wide range of surfaces unique to low fire ceramics. Students will formulate and test colored clay bodies, slips, engobes, and glazes. Throughout the semester we will also work with china paints and lusters. There will be three required assignments during the semester. We will spend a great deal of time on the development and follow through of ideas and participation in class discussions and critiques is essential. Projects may be thrown, handbuilt or slip cast.

TEXT: (Required)

THE CRAFT AND ART OF CLAY, by Susan Peterson, available at the College Bookstore.



Canvas covered clay board, (approx. 24"x30")

Cut-off wire *

Fettling knife *

X-Acto knife *

Metal rib - smooth *

Rubber rib - stiff *

Sheets of soft plastic

Old cloth towel

Elephant ear sponge *

Sponge for clean-up *

assorted Japanese Brushes *

Needle tool *

Shur-form rasp

Color bottle


There will be many glazes and other materials provided to you for use in glazing and firing your pottery. The lab materials fee will pay for all glazing and firing costs. This fee will be discussed fully by your instructor, but basically you have two choices:

1. Purchasing a laboratory materials voucher from the College Bookstore. This voucher entitles the student full access to our studio glazes, glaze chemicals, and firing. Vouchers will be passed out at the first class meeting, filled out by the student, and taken to the Bookstore for payment and returned to the instructor by the next class meeting.


2. If you choose not to purchase the voucher, you will not be allowed to use studio glazes or glaze chemicals, and must purchase your own from ceramic supply houses. By purchasing our glaze materials in large quantity, we are able to reduce the cost to you significantly with the lab materials voucher. A full list of the available glaze chemicals and firing supplies provided by the voucher may be viewed by clicking on CHEMICALS LIST.



Clay is purchased at the College Bookstore in 25lb. bags. Due to the extreme variations in clay quality, workability, and firing temperatures it is essential that you use only clay purchased through the Bookstore. Bringing in clays from outside sources can easily result in your pottery melting in the very high temperatures we fire our kilns. We will not fire pottery made from unknown clay sources. Pay for the clay at the bookstore, save the receipt they give you, bring the receipt to us here in the lab and we will issue you the clay here. We can not issue clay without a receipt, so please don't ask. Here are the clays we will be using in this class:


MCR EARTHENWARE: Brick colored, fine grained terra cotta. Good for throwing or handbuilding. Great clay body for underglazing and majolica.


MCP EARTHENWARE: Gray-white, medium-fine grog, fine for handbuilding, but not so plastic for wheel throwing. Great clay for underglazing.

LOCKERS: Lockers are available in the hallway outside the lab. You provide your own lock, find an empty locker, put your lock on it, and then sign the locker sign-up sheet in my office. See the lab assistant to sign up: Mark Poore in the daytime, Roger Porter in the evenings. Failure to sign the locker list will result in your lock being cut off! This is done to ensure that only art students use the lockers.


LABORATORY HOURS: You are welcome and encouraged to use the open lab hours we provide. These hours are exactly that, lab hours, uninstructed. This is valuable time you will need to complete your projects required in the class. Four hours minimum per week in addition to class time seems necessary if you wish to have any real success. If your schedule does not permit such a time commitment you might find the class difficult and unrewarding. Lab hours are as follows:

Monday-Thursday: 8:00am to 10pm

Friday: open alternate Fridays 8:00am-12:30pm

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

LAB RULES: Due to insurance regulations, we are unable to accommodate your children or friends. Please do not bring them with you to class. They may stop in for a brief visit, but cannot stay with you. If you need to make a phone call, please use the pay phones at the Campus Center snack area or at the Library. Do not use our phones to make or receive personal calls. If you have a family emergency, we will accept incoming calls for you. Our phone number is 818-240-1000 ext. 5543. No radios/tape/CD players. No bare feet! You are responsible for cleaning your own messes. Students who do not will have their lab privileges revoked. All work you make in class must be signed legibly with your last name only. Unsigned work will not be fired or graded. If you attempt to turn in work for grading without a signature, I will not accept it. Any student caught stealing work from another student will be dropped from class immediately.

HOW TO REACH ME: My office phone number is 818-240-1000 ext. 5543. Leave message.

INTERNET: The GCC Ceramics Department may be accessed on the World Wide Web at:

Course syllabi, faculty profiles, lecture handouts, demonstration handouts, and a student art gallery may be viewed by clicking on highlighted words to view the linked pages.

ART 192


1. Students will be graded on the completion of their three assignments. This is an advanced class, and therefore the concept and craftsmanship of the student's work are key in determining the final grade.

2. There will be weekly group progress discussions, a mid-term review, and a final review. Students' participation in class and these reviews is essential and is taken into consideration in determining your final grade.

3. A three page typewritten paper on any topic within the visual arts is required of each student. I strongly advise the use of visual materials, Xeroxes or sketches to be incorporated into this paper. Students may opt to do a 15 minute visual presentation, slides or video, with approval of the instructor. Failure to turn in a paper or presentation will automatically reduce your final grade a full point, for example, a 'B' average becomes a 'C'.

4. Three unexcused absences will be grounds for your being dropped from the class.