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Glendale Community College District                                                                             4031

Board Policy


Equal Employment Opportunity Non-Compliance Complaints


It is the policy of the Glendale Community College District to develop and practice reasonable and effective means of resolving difficulties, which may arise among applicants to and employees of the Glendale Community College District regarding Equal Employment Opportunity complaints.  This complaint procedure is outlined in Administrative Regulation 4031 and has been established to provide for prompt and equitable adjustment of such complaints at or close to the point of origin.



References:  California Code of Regulations, tit. 5, § 59300 et seq.; 34 C.F.R. § 106.8(b).   Ed. Code, §§ 66270, 66271.1, 66281.5; Gov. Code, § 11135-11139.5; Gov. Code, § 12926;


Adopted:   6/30/03