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Glendale Community College District                                                                                 9280

Administrative Regulation



It is important that each trustee use this instrument individually, putting his or her analysis and views down in private. In the second step, the study session, trustees will compare feelings and views about each of the issues. This will be the basis for discussion and illumination leading to agreement about the board's current position. It should be a springboard for change where needed. Maximum results can be expected through complete prior preparation and the realization that the evaluation process will take time.

Beside each question is a space for you to give a general evaluation mark. The following rating scale should be used: 6 being the highest mark and 1 being the lowest.

                                                              6 = High Score
                                                              5 = Above Average
                                                              4 = Slightly Above Average
                                                              3 = Slightly Below Average
                                                              2 = Below Average
                                                              1 = Low score
                                                              0 = Not Applicable or Not Observed

Space is allowed after each question under the heading VIEW for you to express your perception of the current situation. List any recommendations for improvement you may have under SUGGESTIONS.

PART I                                                                                                                                  Rating

1. I believe all of the members of the board understand the mission of the college.  ______

View:              ____________________________________________________

Suggestions: ____________________________________________________


2. The board has reviewed the college mission and feels that it accurately
    expresses the purposes of the institution.                                                                   ______

View:              ______________________________________________

Suggestions: ______________________________________________


3. The Board functions as the policy-makers for the college:

     a.) through a very thorough study and discussion of recommendations.                ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

      b.) through independent initiative from the board                                                     ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

4. In conjunction with the president, all board members have studied and
    understand their roles.                                                                                                   ______

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________

5. The board is supportive of the president. (List ways, individually and
    collectively.)                                                                                                                     ______

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________

6. The board evaluates the president annually                                                                ______

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________

7. The board works to enhance the public image of the college and serves as
     an advocate of the college. (How? Be specific.)                                                       ______

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________


8. The board is involved in and understands the budget process; the board
     approves the budget.                                                                                                    ______

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________

9. The board requires that the college has annual goals and objectives, which
    are succinctly stated and which carry clear statements indicating how it will
    be known that any goal has been reached.                                                                 ______

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________

10. The board annually sets specific goals for itself as a board.
       What are they this year? What should they be next year?                          Yes___ No___

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________

11. The board works to provide adequate financing for the college and to
       ensure financial solvency.                                                                                           ______

       a.) How is this done? _______________________________________

       b.) Has there been exploration of alternate of funding? If so, what?


12. The board is involved in state and federal legislative matters.                               ______

View:              _______________________________________________

Suggestions: _______________________________________________



13. The board approves long-range plans and is involved in long-range planning.    ______

View:              __________________________________________________

Suggestions: __________________________________________________

14. The board approves the educational program that implements the mission
       of the college.                                                                                                              ______

View:              __________________________________________________

Suggestions: __________________________________________________

15. The board ensures that the physical plant is adequate and well maintained.       ______

View:              __________________________________________________

Suggestions: __________________________________________________

16. The board understands the collective negotiations process and its role in
       that process.                                                                                                                ______

View:              __________________________________________________

Suggestions: __________________________________________________

17. The board understands and implements its legal responsibilities, including
       serving as a court of appeal.                                                                                      ______

View:              __________________________________________________

Suggestions: __________________________________________________

18. The board provides for new board member orientation procedures.                    ______

View:               __________________________________________________

Suggestions: __________________________________________________



19. The board encourages all members to participate periodically in seminars,
      conferences, and board retreats to upgrade their skills as board members.
      Trustees read appropriate periodicals on community colleges and trusteeship. ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

20. The board is careful to conduct meetings in compliance with state law.               ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

21. Meetings are conducted by the board president in a fair and expeditious
      manner, with all members having opportunity for expression of views.                  ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

22. The board president is selected through an open election process in which all
       qualifications and credentials for that office are given consideration. The
       result should be that the best possible person is elected to bead the board for
       this particular time.                                                                                                      ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

23. a.) I prepare adequately for each board meeting.                                                    ______

       b.) I believe that my fellow board members prepare adequately for each

             board meeting.                                                                                                      ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________



24. I support the majority decisions of my board. (I understand the authority to
      speak for the board is vested in the board president expressing majority
      positions of the board.)                                                                                                ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

25. How do I handle complaints about the college?                                                       ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

26. How does an individual board member balance the interests of special interest
      groups versus the welfare of the college?                                                                 ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

27. The board establishes procedures for feedback from its constituencies
       (faculty, students, staff, community).                                                                          ______

View:              _________________________________________________

Suggestions: _________________________________________________

28. The board understands and supports Glendale College Shared Governance.    ______

View:              _________________________________________________  

Suggestions: _________________________________________________








These questions and points are open-ended for further honest probing and total expression.


A. As a trustee, I am most pleased about the following things which have been done or are
    being done at Glendale Community College.

B. As a trustee, I have concerns about the following:

C. As a trustee, I would most like to see the following done at my college:

                             (List and state items of priority for future years.)





Board Of Trustee Effectiveness Scale






5-Almost Always


THIS BOARD                     (Mission)

1. manifests a primary motive to be of service to people .............................              1 2 3 4 5

2. expresses commitment that the college provide the best educational
    options possible for students........................................................................              1 2 3 4 5

3. makes decisions with the best interest of the college and its
    students at heart.............................................................................................              1 2 3 4 5

4. believes the college should provide a quality education for
    students...........................................................................................................              1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD                    (Educational Advocator)

5. supports the development of students as the most important purpose
    of the college..................................................................................................               1 2 3 4 5

6. actively encourages the exploration of effective educational
    approaches.....................................................................................................              1 2 3 4 5

7. talks about the good things happening in the college ...............................              1 2 3 4 5

8. is supportive of administrators and faculty in their efforts
    to improve education in the college..............................................................              1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD                    (Growth Orientation)

9. strives to become increasingly effective as a board....................................            1 2 3 4 5

10. reads actively and keeps up to date on college issues.............................            1 2 3 4 5

11. attends workshops and conventions to improve as a board.....................            1 2 3 4 5

12. visits other colleges to better understand educational alternatives...........           1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD                     (Relator)

13. actively works to develop and maintain a positive working
       relationship with faculty and staff...................................................................          1 2 3 4 5

14. desires to have a positive relationship with administrators........................          1 2 3 4 5

15. strives to maintain open communications among board members..........           1 2 3 4 5

16. regularly contributes to building an atmosphere of trust among the
      people within the college................................................................................           1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD                    (Audience Sensitivity)

17. is responsive to the thoughts and feeling of college employees..............            1 2 3 4 5

18. actively works to know and understand the thoughts and feelings of
       community members.....................................................................................            1 2 3 4 5

19. actively seeks staff input in policy formation...............................................            1 2 3 4 5

20. exhibits high appreciation for the feelings and opinions of students......              1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD                    (Interactiveness)

21. openly discusses issues and seeks the viewpoints of administrator........           1 2 3 4 5

22. seriously listens to community people about their differing views.............           1 2 3 4 5

23. make decisions on the basis of objective evidence..................................            1 2 3 4 5

24. listens to the viewpoints of faculty and staff.................................................            1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD                   (Discernment)

25. strives to make important decisions after considering the perceptions
      of all board members...................................................................................              1 2 3 4 5

26. is tactful yet open with my thoughts and feelings in public sessions......              1 2 3 4 5

27. encourages unity if purpose among board members................................            1 2 3 4 5

28. openly accepts differences of views among board members..................            1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD                   (Objectivity)

29. wants board meetings planned to provide for open expressions of
       individuals and groups.................................................................................             1 2 3 4 5

30. votes to support the employment and development of outstanding
      staff members.................................................................................................            1 2 3 4 5

31. supports board agendas which give priority to presentations and
      discussions of topics relating to student development...............................            1 2 3 4 5

32. will take a stand for what it believes is right for students and the
      college as a whole..........................................................................................            1 2 3 4 5

THIS BOARD (Performance Orientation)

33. appears to be adequately prepared for board meetings..........................            1 2 3 4 5

34. supports the goals and objectives established for the college..................           1 2 3 4 5

35. supports comprehensive staff, student and program evaluation...............           1 2 3 4 5

36. supports systematic and objective ways to evaluate boars members
      and the president............................................................................................            1 2 3 4 5



