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Glendale Community College District                                                                             6145

Administrative Regulations


Courses and Programs Taught Abroad




Glendale Community College recognized the fact that movement of students across community, cultural, geographic and national boundaries is an essential element of post-secondary education.


During the last fifty years, the interchange of students has grown steadily, has become more formalized, and significantly influenced higher education and society as a whole. Indeed, the significance of the interdependence of nations, peoples, and world systems has brought international education into the mainstream of the higher education effort.


At Glendale Community College the primary goals of the Study Abroad credit program are the following:


1.                  To encourage the emphasis on international perspectives in the instructional program.


2.                  To provide opportunities for Glendale Community College students to participate in credit foreign programs provided by the College.


3.                  To encourage staff to participate in cross-cultural training and instructional opportunities.


4.                  To encourage a greater presence and participation of foreign students at Glendale Community College.


The Office of Instruction will provide administrative coordination and supervision for all programs, and will serve as the central point of access for information. The Academic Affairs Committee, through its Study Abroad Advisory Sub-Committee, will review and approve all courses and programs. Study Abroad credit program activities will be administered in accordance with the policies that follow.


NOTE:            The Baja California Field Studies Program (BCFSP) is coordinated by a member of the Baja Faculty Steering Committee which as a group makes decisions and implements policies for the program.




A.                 Criteria for Program or Course Development/Implementation


1.                  Only courses adopted through the regular curricular process shall be offered abroad. It is recommended that Study Abroad courses be interdisciplinary and that the locale of the course enrich the course itself.


2.                  The curriculum must comprise a full course of study appropriate to the term that the program/course is offered. Courses and programs offered shall be graded unless specifically approved for credit/no-credit by the Curriculum and Instruction Committee.


3.                  Study Abroad courses/programs include per-departure orientation sessions for students. These sessions will include academic and cultural adjustment preparation so that students may more fully benefit from their experience.


B.                 Program or Course Proposal


1.                  The Director of the Study Abroad Program will periodically announce a Request for Proposal (RFP) to all full-time or adjunct faculty members. Unless prohibited by circumstances, the responding faculty member will be responsible for the course or program developed through his/her proposal.


2.                  Any initial proposal shall be submitted to the Director of the Study Abroad Program and to the sponsoring division for review and approval. The Director of the Study Abroad Program will coordinate with the instructor(s) in the development of a detailed plan. The plan must include the following:


a.                  Course outline

b.                  Background information on the instructor who is to carry out the program

c.                  Delineation of course scheduling

d.                  Student selection criteria and procedures

e.                  Plan for dissemination of course information to the college community

f.                    Cost of the course to students

g.                  Preliminary schedule for implementation

h.                  Description of orientation procedures

i.                    Computation of direct/indirect costs and income


3.                  A draft of the detailed plan shall be submitted to all division chairpersons in whose course areas instruction is to be offered, and to the Study Abroad Advisory Committee for review and endorsement. The Office of Instruction will have final approval.


NOTE:            The Baja California Field Studies Program (BCFSP) will continue to use its established system for program approval. Once the BCFSP coordinator has put together the summer program, it will be submitted as a complete entity to the Director of Study Abroad for approval and to the Study Abroad Advisory Committee for informational review.


C.                Program or Course Evaluation


1.                  Prior to conclusion of the course, students will submit a written evaluation of their experience to the instructor and to the Study Abroad Advisory Committee.


2.                  Following the conclusion of the Study Abroad experience and the return of the participating student and faculty, the Director of the Study Abroad Program will conduct an evaluation conference to discuss the program. All faculty and students participating in the particular Study Abroad Program will be encourage to attend. Members of the Study Abroad Advisory Committee will also be invited to attend. The final evaluation of the program will be submitted as a written report to the Vice-President Instructional Services for review.


NOTE:            Evaluation of all Baja classes will continue as established by the Baja Faculty Steering Committee. At the conclusion of each summer program, the BCFSP coordinator will submit to the Director of the Study Abroad Program a written evaluation of all classes taught.




A.                 Selection Procedure for Instructors of Study Abroad Programs/Courses


1.                  An application for inviting instructors to submit a proposal for a specific program or to teach in the Study Abroad Program shall be sent from the Office of the Director of the Study Abroad Program. The form must be returned by the deadline indicated. The proposal must be approved by each division whose courses and faculty are included in the proposal. The criteria used to select instructors will include the following:


a.                  The instructor must be a regular member of the college faculty—full time or adjunct.


b.                  The instructor’s teaching ability and academic background must be suitable to the program.


c.                  The instructor must be able to work closely and cooperatively with people.


d.                  The courses taught by the instructors must enhanced by the location selected.


e.                  Preference will be given to instructors with travel experience and, if the location is a non-English speaking country, the instructor’s ability to speak the country’s language.


2.                  Faculty for Study Abroad shall be approved by the Study Abroad Advisory Committee, the chairperson(s) of the sponsoring divisions, and the Director of the Study Abroad Program.


NOTE:            Faculty for the BCFSP will be submitted as a complete package directly to the Director of the Study Abroad Program.


B.                 Qualifications and Responsibilities of Study Abroad Faculty


1.                  The instructor responsible for a program must be a regular faculty member of the College who is certifiable in one of the course disciplines to be offered by the program that she/he proposes.


2.                  The instructor responsible for a program will be in charge of student selection, advisement, and liaison with providers of contracted services while abroad—in addition to her/his assigned courses.


3.                  In the semester prior to a study abroad experience, the instructor for a particular offering will actively participate in the recruitment, screening, and selection of students; information and orientation meetings; and per-departure advisement of program participants.


NOTE:            The instructor teaching a Baja class is the “instructor-in-residence” at the field station and as such is ultimately responsible for all activities while the class is residing at the station. This instructor must work cooperatively with the field station manager in order to assure proper functioning of the field station.


C.                Faculty Compensation


Compensation for contract instructors serving as Study Abroad instructors will be at the same rate as for the courses taught on campus. Compensation for adjunct instructors will be at the regular hourly rate. Depending on the amount of work involved, the faculty member responsible for a whole program may receive released time as determined by the Office of Instruction, in consultation with the Guild and Academic Senate.


D.        Study Abroad Advisory Committee


1.                  The Study Abroad Advisory Committee shall be established as a college sub-committee and shall, in coordination with the Office of Instruction and the Director of Study Abroad, participate in the review and endorsement of program proposals, in the selection of the coordinator and the faculty of Study Abroad programs, and in the development of policies for such programs.


2.                  The Committee will investigate and propose additional Study Abroad programs and policies to further the principles identified in this document.


3.                  The Committee shall comprise the following members:


One faculty member appointed by the Guild

One faculty member appointed by the Academic Senate

Two faculty members appointed by the Vice-President of Instructional Services

One classified representative appointed by CSEA

One student representative appointed by the Student Legislature

The Director of the Study Abroad Program

One faculty member appointed by the Baja Faculty Steering Committee


Committee members should include some members who have participated in Study Abroad Programs. Insofar as possible, faculty selected should represent the academic diversity of the College.




1.                  Study Abroad requirements will be established and disseminated to interested students.


2.                  Students will be required to complete a formal application.


3.                  Screening procedures for the selection of students will be established. Procedures should include the following as a minimum:


a.      Submittal of a program application to include one character reference, one academic reference, and transcripts.


NOTE:            Baja applicants will follow current program practice.


b.      A screening interview.


4.                  Program participants will be required to sign a District Waiver holding the District harmless for any and all problems or losses arising from the provision of or failure to provide non-instructional services by a travel contractor.


5.                  In order to participate in a full semester abroad, students must be enrolled as full-time students (12 units or more).




Unless alternative arrangements have been approved by the Study Abroad Advisory Committee, all Study Abroad proposals must use appropriate contractors to provide non-instructional services.


A.                 Contractor Selection


1.                  Requests for proposals (RFP) will be developed by the prospective instructor, the Study Abroad Program Director, and the Vice-President of Administrative Services for submittal to contractors for response.


2.                  Contractors to whom RFPs are sent must provide evidence of the following:


a.                  Experience in working with educational travel/study programs.


b.                  References of educational institutions with which the contractor has worked.


c.                  Policies which hold harmless and indemnify the District, its Board of Trustees, its officers, and its employees or agents, for any and all problems or losses arising from the provision of or failure to provide non-instructional services by the contractor.


d.                  Extent to which the Contractor relies on the use of subcontractors and identification of those subcontractors.


e.                  Evidence that the Contractor, at its own expense and risk, will defend all legal proceedings that may be brought against the District, the Board, its officers and employees or agents on any such liability, claim or demand, and will satisfy the judgment that may be rendered.


f.                    Ability to secure and maintain, at Contractor’s expense, during the period of the contract, Workers’ Compensation and comprehensive liability insurance adequate to protect the Contractor from claims for personal injury, including death and damage to property, which may arise from operations under this contract. The policies so secured shall also name the District as additionally insured and shall include a combined single limit of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each occurrence.


g.                  Evidence that funds to be collected are deposited in a bonded trust account.


3.                  Proposals will be reviewed by the Study Abroad Program Director, the prospective responsible faculty member, and the Vice-President of Administrative Services. If all required conditions are met, proposals will be judged on the following basis: types and quality of transportation provided, meals, housing and study facility arrangements, staff assistance, commitments to the specific educational program, provision for incidental expenses, experience in the geographical area, lowest cost to students and reference checks.


4.                  Contractors will be notified in writing of the decision made by the College.


5.                  Upon selection of a contractor, all contracts will be coordinated through the Director of the Study Abroad Program.


6.                  Proposal contracts with all required certificates of insurance must be sent to the Board of Trustees by the Administrative Services Office and executed after Board approval. Fully executed contracts must be on file prior to the collection of funds by the contractor.


7.                  Program Funding:


a.                  Approved credit classes may be funded by the College as a part of the regular instructional budget. Students will assume their own travel and living expenses and any other non-instructional incidental expenses.


b.                  Contractors may provide travel and living expenses of instructors. Such provision shall be included in the executed contract between the District and the contractor.


B.                 Refund Policies


The Director of the Study Abroad Program will establish in writing the refund procedures for each Study Abroad program. These procedures will include specification of all refund penalties and be distributed to students as part of the terms and conditions document to be signed by them.


C.                Financial Procedures


1.                  Students will pay the state mandated enrollment fee to the District through the regular registration process.


2.                  All other direct costs are to be included in the contract provisions and paid directly to the contractor by the participating student.


3.                  All students enrolled in a Study Abroad Program will be required to show proof of individual health insurance.


D.                Financial Assistance to Students


The Study Abroad Program, in conjunction with the Financial Aids Office, shall coordinate efforts to provide financial assistance to qualified students wishing to enroll in travel/study programs.


NOTE:            The BCFSP is a district-run interdisciplinary program with its own budgets and therefore shall follow all district policies regarding college funded programs.




Certain responsibilities relating to the success of each Study Abroad Program belong to specific individuals or groups. Some of the major responsibilities are:


                        The College is responsible for:


-         development of the program

-         arrangements with the travel contractor

-         equivalent instruction as presented on campus for courses assigned

-         instruction while on field trips described as part of the program


The Travel Contractor is responsible for:


-         air transportation, lodging, and meals as specified

-         excursions, including hotels on overnight field trips

-         student insurance

-         collection of the fee

-         orientation meetings as specified in the contract


The Student is responsible for:


-         obtaining passport and visa

-         registering in classes at the college and paying enrollment fee

-         registering with the contractor and payment of fee

-         purchase of books for the courses

-         dropping and adding classes prior to departure

-         abiding by all College rules and regulations


The Instructor in charge of a program is responsible for:


-         coordinating all aspects of the program in accordance with the policy manual, college regulations, and established practices of the program

-         budgeting for the program

-         maintaining, supervising, and hiring staff

-         representing GCC and the BCFSP before international authorities




A.                 Registration


Registration in Study Abroad courses will be the same as for courses on campus.


B.                 Deadlines


A deadline for registration will be announced in connection with each course offered.


C.                Minimum Enrollment

The College reserves the right to cancel any class that does not fall within the District policy of 15 students as minimum for a class to proceed.


Adopted: 4/26/89